स्टैटिकली Meaning in English
स्टैटिकली शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : statically
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स्टैटिकली हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""सी++ स्थैतिक टंकित (स्टैटिकली टाइप्ड), सामान्य-उपयोग वाली (जनरल परपज) एवं सी भाषा के समान ही दक्ष एवं पोर्टेबल प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा है।
स्टैटिकली इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
F211, formerly SEC3, is statically displayed at the Australian Railway Historical Society's North Williamstown museum, behind the Newport Workshops.
F216, formerly SEC2, is statically displayed at the Australian Railway Historical Society's North Williamstown museum, behind the Newport Workshops; but unlike F211, this engine has been restored to resemble its original SEC styling.
Like ESC/Java, it includes a static checking tool based on a theorem prover that is able to statically verify many of these invariants.
A common combination of static and dynamic analyses, particularly encountered in compilers, is to monitor all the requirements which cannot be discharged statically.
The device drivers for this generic kernel image are included as loadable kernel modules because statically compiling many drivers into one kernel causes the kernel image to be much larger, perhaps too large to boot on computers with limited memory.
The driver for that file system must be compiled statically into the kernel.
Depending on which algorithms were compiled statically into it, the kernel can unpack initrd/initramfs images compressed with gzip, bzip2, LZMA, XZ, LZO, and LZ4.
At its end, during the cooler prelude of MIS 5d, c, b and a, the region continued to rise isostatically.
As an instinctive and inspired narrator, he reported ecstatically on all the mysterious wonders of the Alps.
The purpose of Lola is to statically describe the structure and function of hardware components and of the connections between them.
South Derbyshire District The Kronach Lorin was a small ramjet engine, for aircraft propulsion, that was statically tested in Vienna during the later stages of World War II.
Additionally, statically-triggered liquefaction failures have been documented in this area, highlighting the extremely loose localized soil conditions, as well as the high potential for associated slope instability and mass wasting.
bss or bss) is the portion of an object file, executable, or assembly language code that contains statically allocated variables that are declared but have not been assigned a value yet.