स्कर्टिंग Meaning in English
स्कर्टिंग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : skirting
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स्कर्टिंग बोर्डस्कर्टलेस
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प्रहसन लेखन
स्कर्टिंग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
It goes through the National Parks of the Peak District, the Yorkshire Dales, and Northumberland, while skirting the eastern Lake District.
It is the easternmost range skirting along the course of Dikhu River.
"The Gang" dates from the 1860s and covers nearly all terrain south of the Chilcotin River and east of Taseko Lake and the Fraser River, and skirting the Bridge River Country to its south.
The line here was immensely difficult and expensive to construct, skirting, as it did, the base of the high ciff of Chee Tor.
His early adult years of skirting the law led to a one-year prison term in 1942.
The station is named after Queens Quay, an adjacent street skirting Toronto's waterfront.
Just south of the overpass the highway starts skirting the western edge of the major suburb of Ellenbrook for the next .
Some original joinery remains, including six-pane glazed doors to the ground floor and nine-pane glazed doors to the first and second floors, skirtings to the corridors, high timber rails to A208, timber rails at two levels in A204.
Virtually all fleece and better grade wool skirtings sold at auction in Australia are objectively measured prior to the sale with the average results printed in a catalogue.
It flows northeast to the Chilcotin Plateau, skirting it briefly near Tatla Lake, then turns south to Tatlayoko Lake, which is just west of Chilko Lake, part of the Chilcotin River basin.
It then crosses the border between Bangkok and Samut Prakan Province and subsequently continues east through Chachoengsao Province, south through Chonburi Province skirting the Khao Khiao Massif, east through Rayong Province, south-east through Chanthaburi Province, and ends at Ban Hat Lek village in Trat Province.