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सोल्यूटिव Meaning in English

सोल्यूटिव शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : solutive

सोल्यूटिव इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Nyangumarta uses a split ergative system of alignment: while case marking is done on an ergative-absolutive basis, pronouns (including pronominal marking on verbs) use a nominative-accusative system.

Most clause types in Maxakalí are characterized by the ergative–absolutive morphosyntactic alignment.

Absolutive pronominal participants are expressed by person prefixes; ergative pronominal participants take special forms upon receiving the ergative postposition te.

Some verbs form number pairs, whereby the choice of the verb depends on the number of the absolutive participant (i.

For ergative–absolutive alignment, the direction of assignment is right to left, with absolutive preceding ergative.

Like many other Mayan languages, Qʼeqchiʼ is an ergative–absolutive language, which means that the object of a transitive verb is grammatically treated the same way as the subject of an intransitive verb.

When these affixes are attached to transitive verbs, set A affixes indicate the ergative agent while set B indicates the absolutive object.

It is an ergative–absolutive language;.

Yakkha distinguishes the unmarked absolutive case, the ergative -ŋa, the genitive -ka/-ga, the locative -pe/-be, the ablative case -bhaŋ and the comitative case -nuŋ, and the instrumental case -ŋa.

The absolutive marks subjects of intransitive verbs and objects of transitive verbs.

Examples for absolutive and ergative case (overt arguments are often omitted in natural discourse, but the examples contain them to illustrate the case):.

The forms with initial n (k or t) are combined to produce possessed oblique with the corresponding absolutive endings in the 3rd person case but with variants of the relative endings for the other persons.

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