सूटिंग Meaning in English
सूटिंग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : suiting
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सूटिंग हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
वर्तमान मे अब ये हेरिटेज होटल में तब्दील हो गया है और यहा बौलीवुड फिल्मो की सूटिंग होती है।
पार्क के अन्दर अनेक आमोद-प्रमोद के साधन उपलब्ध हैं, जैसे तीरंदाजी, बेबी साइकिलिंग, डुओ साइकिलिंग, ई-वाइक, इको कार्ट, गेमिंग जोन, स्पीड बोट, कयाकिंग, मिकी माउस, पैडल बोटिंग, राइफल सूटिंग, रोलर स्केट्स, एंगलिंग, क्रूज, रिमोट कार, ट्रैम्पोलिन, ट्रॉय ट्रेन की सवारी आदि1।
उन्होंने अभी अभी ही राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार विजेता निर्देशक ओनिर द्वारा निर्देशित फिल्म SHAB की सूटिंग ख़त्म की है।
उन्होंने डोनर सूटिंग्स और निरमा जैसे ब्रांडों के लिए मॉडलिंग कि है।
विंगसूट का मूल्य और विंगसूटिंग को कैसे शुरु करें ।
फिल्म के दूसरे शेड्यूल की सूटिंग 2016 के नवंबर और दिसंबर महीने में उत्तराखंड के देहरादून में हुई।
"" वे उन प्रारंभिक 'सेलेब्रिटीज' में से एक थे जिन्होनें व्यावसायिक उत्पादों, जैसे अंगूर जूस और पुरुषों के सूटिंग्स आदि के विज्ञापनों के लिए अनुबन्ध किए थे।
सामग्री सिल्क या किसी भी अन्य सूटिंग सामग्री हो सकता है।
सूटिंग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In 1941, Rose worked for Tuttle, Seelye, Place and Raymond in New York where he became discouraged by the limitations of large public works, and decided that working on private gardens was more suiting to his style.
The 1875 rules provided for non suiting but also made provision for setting aside a judgment of nonsuit.
Thereafter it was subsequently ruled that nonsuiting ceased to exist in the High Court of Justice having been wholly displaced by the provisions relating to discontinuance.
In the County Courts, the County Court rules continued to provide for nonsuiting until the Rules of the Supreme Court and the County Court Rules were repealed and replaced by the Civil Procedure Rules 1998, which only provided for discontinuance.
This brought nonsuiting to an end in mainstream England and Wales (although one cannot comment for e.
An opening batsman with fabled powers of adhesion, suiting his name, McGlew set records in the 1950s for slow scoring.
However, he returned later in the year, suiting up for San Miguel Beer before retiring once again at the end of the season.
Jurčina remained in the KHL in 2015–16, but took his game to Croatia, suiting up for Medveščak Zagreb.
After Yeovil's game against Carlisle United, Johnson explained that he had received an approach from Robins manager Mark Yates, and with MacLean struggling to get minutes on the pitch at present, the Glovers boss told BBC Somerset that he could see it as suiting all parties.
during the 2004–05 season, then briefly suiting up with the Pallacanestro Virtus Roma club of Italy in late 2005, and returning to Greece to rejoin Panellinios BC for the 2006–07 season.
Martial passingly mentions his purple cloak suiting his complexion.
Discretion has been called "the Art of suiting the action to particular circumstances" (Lord Scarman).
In 1947, with the dry pitches suiting him, proved Wright's best season as he took 177 wickets, including 10/175 against South Africa at Lord's.