सुभग Meaning in English
सुभग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lovely
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
प्रेमी आदर्श
सिनेकला का प्रेमी
नशों का प्रेमी
प्यार करने वाले
प्यार करने योग्य
प्यार करने वाला
सुभग हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
चित्रकूट के सुभग शिखर पर।
सुंदर सुभग सुभगता सीमा, सुभ सुदेस सौभाग्य सुसीलो।
आधार राष्ट्र की हों, नारी सुभग सदा ही ॥।
प्राणापानाभ्यां बलमादधाना, स्वसा देवी सुभगा मेखललेयम्॥ -पार० गृ०सू० २.२.८।
'nbsp;'nbsp;'nbsp;घ.'nbsp;'nbsp;'nbsp; अश्वत्थ सुमहाभागसुभग प्रियदर्शन।
‘कृष्णदास‘ प्रभु रसिक मुकुट मणि, सुभग चरित रिपुदमन हठीलो॥।
""सुंदर सुभग सुभगता सीमा, सुभ सुदेस सौभाग्य सुसीलो।
सुरूप: सुभगो दक्ष: स्थूलकायो महाधनी अश्विनीसम्भवो लोके जायते जनवल्लभ:।
उन्होंने बहुत से ग्रंथों की रचना की जिनमें से कुछ के नाम इस प्रकार हैं- 'शिवार्चन चंद्रिका', 'क्रमरत्नावली', 'भैरवार्चापारिजात', 'द्वितीयार्चन कल्पवल्ली', 'काली-सपर्या-क्रम-कल्पवल्ली', 'पंचमेय क्रमकल्पलता', 'सौभाग्य रत्नाकर' (36 तरंग में),'सौभग्य सुभगोदय', 'ज्ञानदीपिका' और 'चतु:शती टीका अर्थरत्नावली'।
''दक्षस्सरूप सुभगोश्विनीषु।
प्राणापानाभ्यां बलमादधाना, स्वसादेवी सुभगा मेखलेयम्।
""आधार राष्ट्र की हों, नारी सुभग सदा ही ॥।
इस ग्रंथ के रचयिता पं॰ विष्णु शर्मा हैं, कहीं-कहीं रचयिता का नाम 'बसुभग' आया है।
सुभग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
This corpse-carcass stench wafts in and combined with some lovely municipal odors besides makes it slightly unpleasant here.
Throughout the film, Danvers' favourite line with women is: "My God, but you're lovely"—which, in the final scene after Marion has gone back to Jimmy and Danvers has made a date with another woman, he says to his own reflection.
He went on, however, to praise the efforts of a rival hotel in the city, the Duke of Cornwall, describing it as “a lovely place”.
I remember the Vultee as a lovely aircraft to fly, an aircraft that was hard to stall and was fully aerobatic.
As Johnson argues, "her pamphlet as a whole refutes the Burkean axiom 'to make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely'"; Wollstonecraft successfully challenges Burke's rhetoric of the beautiful with the rhetoric of the rational.
Hugh Canning wrote in Opera Magazine that: I was delighted to encounter her lovely, stylishly sung Mimi here: .
"[People] are able to sit at drag brunch and have a lovely spinach frittata and Bloody Mary while learning this lesson through observation.
He has also recorded a popular CD of his favourite Irish Airs (including "Danny Boy", "Come back to Erin" and "The Banks of my own lovely Lee") on the After9 label (called Irish Classics).
Strudal sends the players to make-over at Zulu's "Modepatrulje" (Danish: Fashion Patrol), who gives the players a "lovely" treatment.
She is very poetic in the lovely second movement and in the outer panels she plays with a true dynamism, catching all the drama and joy in the music.
a quiet song, lovely and quite enigmatic, with a trace of the minor chord influence of Joni Mitchell.
This name has several meanings such as shining little star, lovely flare and luminous beauty.
In the park, visitors can find a large disco club, an open-air concert stage, an amusement park and two lovely ponds called Upper Lake and Lower Lake.