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सुपरनल Meaning in English

सुपरनल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : supernal

सुपरनल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

He sees the World as it really is, unjust, evil – no evidence of a supernal, all-consuming love.

Next comes "Binah" (or "understanding" in English), which is thought of as the primordial feminine energy, the supernal mother of the universe which receives the energy of "Chokhmah", cooling and nourishing it into the multitudinous forms present throughout the whole cosmos.

The first three spheres, called the "supernal" spheres, are considered to be the primordial energies of the universe.

The next stages of evolution on the tree of life are considered to exist beyond a space on the tree, called the "Abyss", between the "supernals" and the other spheres, because their levels of being are so distinct from each other that they appear to exist in two totally different realities.

The "supernal" spheres exist on a plane of divine energy.

This is why another correspondence for "Binah" is the idea of suffering because the "supernal" maternal energy gives birth to a world that is inherently excluded from that divine union.

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