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सुनकर Meaning in English

सुनकर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : listening
, hearing

सुनकर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Potential challenges facing hearing CODAs.

The challenges facing the hearing children of deaf adults parallel those of many second-generation immigrant children.

The types of disputes handled in these hearings is governed by administrative law and auxiliarily by the civil trial law.

On hearing "two to three" songs during band practice, Wentz was impressed and immediately wanted the band to sign to his Fueled by Ramen imprint label Decaydance Records, which made them the first on the new label, which the group did around December 2004.

Sheep shearing was not allowed from Martinmas to St.

His second wife Alamelamma was left in charge of the Government of Srirangagapattanam, but she, hearing he was on the point of death, soon after left for Talkād with the object of seeing him before he died, handing over Srirangapattanam and its dependencies to Rāja Wodeyar of Mysore, whose dynasty ever since retained them.

After three whole years without hearing any more news, Don Juan, the youngest and most favored son is (unwillingly by King Fernando) sent forth also.

tricolored blackbird Carnassials are paired upper and lower teeth modified in such a way as to allow enlarged and often self-sharpening edges to pass by each other in a shearing manner.

For example, a nearby church is described having two towers, but one of them had already collapsed in 1844: Dubb mentions hearing the noise of a train, although the railroad through the Rhine-Valley wasn't built until 1859.

The magician then talks about the burglars hearing sirens and running around as he cuts the deck.

Nehemiah's president gave testimony at this hearing, saying "mend it, don't end it" and, in a written statement, adding that the proposal "makes no sense as rational behavior or measured action".

During that hearing the document was never shown to any of the signatories by Browne during his cross examination.

'" Goldberg's role as a reporter-spy came to light in the Watergate hearings that led to the resignation of Nixon.

The Courthouse was used for the trial of minor offences; on occasion it was used for preliminary hearings for more serious crimes, before they were referred to a higher circuit court.

सुनकर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

ऐसा सुनकर शोभन कहने लगा कि हे प्रिये! मैं अवश्य व्रत करूँगा, जो भाग्य में होगा, वह देखा जाएगा।

वह इतना बड़ा नगर है कि पाटलिपुत्र का संवाहक उसकी प्रसिद्धि सुनकर बसने को, धन्धा प्राप्त करने को, आता है।

होमियोपैथी पद्धति में चिकित्सक का मुख्य कार्य रोगी द्वारा बताए गए जीवन-इतिहास एवं रोगलक्षणों को सुनकर उसी प्रकार के लक्षणों को उत्पन्न करनेवाली औषधि का चुनाव करना है।

आज भी कई पारंपरिक उत्सवों में गोंडवाना राज्य के किस्से कहानियो को बड़े चाव से सुनकर उनके वैभवशाली इतिहास की परम्परा को याद किया जाताविभिन्न हिस्सों में अपने-अपने राज्य विकसित किए, जिनमे से नर्मदा नदी बेसिन पर स्थित गढ़मंडला एक प्रमुख गोंडवाना राज्य रहा है।

मृग की आवाज सुनकर बिना देखें ही उन्होंने शब्दभेदी बाण चला दिया।

सुख से बैठकर मुनि ने राजा से पूछा कि हे राजन! आपके सातों अंग कुशलपूर्वक तो हैं? तुम्हारी बुद्धि धर्म में और तुम्हारा मन विष्णु भक्ति में तो रहता है? देवर्षि नारद की ऐसी बातें सुनकर राजा ने कहा- हे महर्षि! आपकी कृपा से मेरे राज्य में सब कुशल है तथा मेरे यहाँ यज्ञ कर्मादि सुकृत हो रहे हैं।

अब वह अचानक तेज आवाज सुनकर तथा ऊँचे स्थानों पर जाने से तो नहीं डरता, परंतु अंधकार में जाने से तथा अकेले रहने से, बड़े बड़े जानवरों, से तथा नवागंतुकों से डरने लगता है।

"" तदनन्तर द्वारका से लौटे हुए अर्जुन के मुख से यादवों के संहार का समाचार सुनकर युधिष्ठिर ने संसार की अनित्यता का विचार करके परीक्षित को राजासन पर बिठाया और द्रौपदी तथा भाइयों को साथ ले हिमालय की तरफ महाप्रस्थान के पथ पर अग्रसर हुए।

कौटिल्य के अनुसार अप्रिय सन्देश को सुनकर दूत के वध हेतु शस्त्र उठा लेने पर भी दूत को अपने राजा का सन्देश यथोक्त ही कहना चाहिये।

उर्वशी को यह सब देख-सुनकर बड़ा संतोष हुआ; पर वह अब भी सामने आने में झिझक रही थी।

वैतालिक द्वारा 'उदयन' यह वत्सराज का नामान्तर है, यह सुनकर सागरिका आश्चर्य से सोचने लगी कि क्या यह वही उदयन है, जिसके लिये पिता ने मुझे दिया था- मुझे कोई देखे नहीं ऐसा सोचकर मंच से निकल गई।

दिगंबर मान्यता के अनुसार उज्जैन में चंद्रगुप्त के राज्यकाल में आचार्य भद्रबाहु की दुष्काल संबंधी भविष्यवाणी सुनकर उनके शिष्य विशाखाचार्य अपने संघ को लेकर पुन्नाट चले गए, कुछ साधु सिंधु में विहार कर गए।

श्रीकृष्ण की बात सुनकर दुर्योधन ने पाण्डवों को सुई की नोक के बराबर भूमि भी देने से मना कर युद्ध करने का निशचय किया।

सुनकर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The Terries and Fermies can hear radio broadcasts through certain magnetic rocks, which allowed them to learn English - with a southern accent - from listening to country music radio stations.

Johnstone's personal interests include card-playing, gardening, listening to opera, and travel.

Instead, he became fascinated with electronic sounds and science fiction, and grew up listening to Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream.

It is a collection of covers of mostly jazz standards, which O'Connor describes as "the songs I grew up listening to [and] that made me want to be a singer".

Down in a Mirror" from Chair Beside a Window (discussing the way to listen to Jandek—“having a few glasses of wine and sitting down with Jandek and just listening”.

These “softer” skills around communication, listening, influencing and managing change are critical to developing strong and trusting working relations.

Alternating between listening to and gesturing at the judge Rizgar Mohammed Amin, he questioned the legitimacy of the tribunal set up to try him.

The next day, after listening to hours of testimony against him, he lashed out at the judge.

To my fans and the people that were really listening, I felt like I was trying to come out with them.

The CEFR describes what a learner is supposed to be able to do in reading, listening, speaking and writing at each level, in details:.

The band had heard about his death while listening to news radio in an elevator on their way to the interview.

In the film, a children's chorus sings the contrapuntal "arithmetic" section over and over inside a small classroom, dolefully and by rote, while Andersen, listening just outside, gazes at an inchworm crawling on the flowers and sings the main section of the song.

For a member of a religious congregation, obedience is not slavishly doing what one is told by the superior but being attentive to God’s will by prayerfully listening to the voice of the person in charge.

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