सुगति Meaning in English
सुगति शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : speed
, happy state
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
सुखी थीस्लख़ुशी मन से
हरड़ बेर
हरक बैक
हारुम स्कारम
उत्पीड़कता से
शरण देना
हार्बर सील
सुगति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Young Trevor was placed in an unhappy state home, where he discovered his own talent for drawing but remained alone, obsessed with the question of why he was allowed to live.
Her poems are typically about unrequited love and loss and often, the death that followed such an unhappy state of affairs.
सुगति हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
प्रगति, परागति, परिगति, प्रतिगति, अनुगति, अधिगति, अपगति, अतिगति, आगति, अवगति, उपगति, उद्गति, सुगति, संगति, निगति, निर्गति, विगति, दुर्गति, अवगति, अभिगति, गति, गन्तव्य, गम्य, गमनीय, गमक, जंगम, गम्यमान, गत्वर, गमनिका आदि कुछ उदाहरण हैं।
''प्रगति, परागति, परिगति, प्रतिगति, अनुमति, अधिगति, अपगति, अतिगति, आगति, अवगति, उपगति, उद्गति, सुगति, संगति, निगति, निर्गति, विगति, दुर्गति, अवगति, अभिगति, गति, गन्तव्य, गम्य, गमनीय, गमक, जंगम, गम्यमान, गत्वर, गमनिका।
नन्दाघ्रातशिरोमध्यः पूतनासुगतिप्रदः।
मायैणघ्नो जटायुःशवरिसुगतिदस्तुष्टवातेर्विधातु ।
जो सुगतियों में जन्म लेते हैं, ये ही उसे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
थॉमस, के.आर.गोवरीम्मा, आर.सुगतिन जैसे नेताओं को दिए गए स्वागत समारोह में मेदिनी एक नियमित गायिका थीं।
इनके नाम क्रमश: षडाक्षरी लोकेश्वर, सिंहनाद, खसपर्ण, लोकनाथ, हलाहल, पद्मनतेश्वर, हरिहरिवाहनोद्भव, त्रैलोक्यवशंकर, रक्तलोकेश्वर मायाजालकर्म अवलोकितेश्वर, नीलकंठ, सुगतिसंदर्षण लोकेश्वर, प्रेतसंतर्पित लोकेश्वर, सुखावती लोकेश्वर और वज्रधर्म लोकेश्वर हैं।
"" प्रगति, परागति, परिगति, प्रतिगति, अनुगति, अधिगति, अपगति, अतिगति, आगति, अवगति, उपगति, उद्गति, सुगति, संगति, निगति, निर्गति, विगति, दुर्गति, अवगति, अभिगति, गति, गन्तव्य, गम्य, गमनीय, गमक, जंगम, गम्यमान, गत्वर, गमनिका आदि कुछ उदाहरण हैं।
अशुभ लेश्या जीव को दुर्गति की ओर तथा शुभ लेश्या जीव को सुगति की ओर ले जाती है।
सुगति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
It is available in 4-, 5-, 6-, and 8-speed models, and is controlled by a microprocessor.
The MY2011 6-speed requires AW1.
On November 4, 2008, the People of California passed Proposition 1A, which helped provide financing for a high-speed rail line.
Transit was the name given to an innovative sailing ship designed for speed by Captain Richard Hall Gower and built in 1800.
Their length to beam ratio was unusually high, giving them a remarkable turn of speed.
Her engines were rated at and produced a top speed of .
A hit on the battleship that reduced her speed to forced the Italian commander to break off the engagement, as his ships could no longer keep formation.
His love of adventure was strong, and he staked his money on the success of his cruises in much the same spirit that he did on the speed of his horses or the turn of his dice.
His intention was to so improve ship design that, in whatever wind and weather, vessels would sail safely, speedily and economically with a crew properly accommodated and put to no unnecessary risk.
Being a robot, Bastion has super strength, speed, intelligence, and endurance.
The system consists of five high-speed main lines (the West Coast, East Coast, Midland, Great Western and Great Eastern), which radiate from London to the rest of the country, augmented by regional rail lines and dense commuter networks within the major cities.
The maximum scheduled speed on the regular network has historically been around on the InterCity lines.