सिद्धांतबद्ध Meaning in English
सिद्धांतबद्ध शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : principled
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
सिद्धांतोंजैविक विकास के सिद्धांत
समानता के सिद्धांत
हदबंदी के सिद्धांत
तरल विस्थापन के सिद्धांत
जनोत्तेजना के सिद्धान्त
बचत के सिद्धांत
इस संस्था के सिद्धांत
कपड़े की छपाई करना
प्रिण्ट लेना
सिद्धांतबद्ध हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
(आधुनिक मनोवैज्ञानिक आजकल इ. एस. पी. के स्थान पर 'साई' का प्रयोग करने लगे हैं क्योंकि अतींद्रिय ज्ञान अपने अर्थ में ही किसी विशिष्ट सिद्धांतबद्धता की ओर संकेत करता है।
"" (आधुनिक मनोवैज्ञानिक आजकल इ. एस. पी. के स्थान पर 'साई' का प्रयोग करने लगे हैं क्योंकि अतींद्रिय ज्ञान अपने अर्थ में ही किसी विशिष्ट सिद्धांतबद्धता की ओर संकेत करता है।
सिद्धांतबद्ध इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
VPI is a principled approach to human-machine interaction and may open up new ways to understand how humans interact with human-like machines.
" Caldwell's friends, on the other hand, describe him as "measured, methodical and principled".
At first a court favorite, Cantilupe came at length to the belief that the evils of the time arose from the unprincipled alliance of crown and papacy.
Ronis' nudes and fashion work (for Vogue and Le Jardin des modes) show his appreciation for natural beauty; meanwhile, he remained a principled news photographer, resigning from Rapho for a 25-year period when he objected to the hostile captioning by The New York Times to his photograph of a strike.
Elmwood's faculty draws on best practices, specific to all girls’ education, as they challenge students to be principled, knowledgeable and reflective lifelong learners.
Jamie is intelligent, principled, and, by 18th century standards, educated and worldly.
In 1997 Isaacs played Queen, a principled sex worker who wants a real home and a marriage, in the musical The Life.
In announcing Alito's nomination, Bush stated, "He's scholarly, fair-minded and principled and these qualities will serve him well on the highest court in the land.
[His record] reveals a thoughtful judge who considers the legal merits carefully and applies the law in a principled fashion.
1994 establishments in Ontario In order to facilitate organized, determined, and principled opposition to the wars, people have often founded anti-war organizations.
Justice Scalia described the majority's decision as an unprincipled compromise between justices who believed Miranda was a constitutional requirement and those who disagreed.
(a) a shared set of normative and principled beliefs, which provide a value-based rationale for the social action of community members;.