साधित शब्द Meaning in English
साधित शब्द शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : simple word
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शब्द करना
शब्द बनाना
शब्द विन्यास करना
शब्दोच्चार करना
शब्दबहुल होना
शब्द बाहुल्य
शब्दरूप बदलना
शब्द वर्ग
शब्द संग्रह
साधित-शब्द इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
This is shown by the Spt's involvement in acquiring new vocabulary, for while experiments have shown that most conduction aphasiacs can repeat high-frequency, simple words, their ability to repeat low-frequency, complex words is impaired.
It appears that the motor cortex recreates high-frequency, simple words (like cup) in order to more quickly and efficiently access them, while low-frequency, complex words (like Sylvian parietal temporal) require more active, online regulation by the Spt.
In simple words, a transformational leader is not selfish and sees an opportunity of growth in others.
Bartholomew finally gets the courage to reprimand the king for making such a foolish wish, and he tells him to use simple words, like "I'm sorry," instead of magic words.
Immediately after the king says those simple words, the oobleck storm abates and the sun melts away all the green slime, freeing everybody.
Kavi Pradeep always believed in writing songs in simple words portraying a meaning fitting into the situation.
This can be from simple word of mouth, to sophisticated encrypted communications networks, but it must provide for a redundant path to ensure that both situational awareness information and strategic orders can pass into and out of the facility without interruption.
In simple words, Nazm is a form of a descriptive poetry.
Part 3 tests spelling simple words.
The adult asks the child to colour in different objects in the picture and to write a simple word or draw an object.
Read and write simple words and sentences.
* Spell their name and simple words.
* Read short, simple words and names of objects such as animals, toys, clothes.
Most of the Channel Chuckles gags are simple wordplay references to the titles of contemporary television programs.