साथ खाना खानेवाला Meaning in English
साथ खाना खानेवाला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : supper
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
स्ंअप्र्कसंपूरक होना
पूरित करना
अनुपूरक लाभ
अनुपूरक वितरण
पूरक वितरण
अनुपूरक अनुदान
विनती की गई
बिनती करनेवाला
संपूर्न करनेवाला
पक्षपुष्टि के लिए उपार्थना
विनती करनेवाला
साथ-खाना-खानेवाला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He's killed by Rebels while cooking supper in Choctaw country.
Irving undertook the management of the Lyceum he restored this venerable sanctuary to something like its former appearance, and very often now it is the scene of the informal and bright little supper parties which he delights to bring about him.
Among the ancients the hour of Nones was regarded as the close of the day's business and the time for the baths and supper.
Over time, Gus becomes increasingly crude and sadistic, sexually assaulting Drew's mother and brutally skinning the pet rabbits for supper.
«Тайная вечеря» (1991) (Last supper).
One amusing episode in An t-Oileánach describes a neighbour's family at supper when, to their bewilderment and consternation, young chickens began raining, one by one, onto the table and splashing into a mug of milk.
This series ran a campaign stating that "Fast food doesn't have to mean junk food", with Ramsay showing people how to prepare a simple supper in under 30 minutes, without having to order takeaways or rely on prepackaged meals or other convenience food.
According to one article, fried chicken and waffle suppers were becoming quite famous at the club.
Ignoring his plea that he is late for supper, the aliens insist that Frisby accompany them to their planet.
chapter 25: 'On the bringing in of lights at the supper of the congregation';.
chapter 30: 'On supper for widows';.
As dusk begins to fall, the unnamed narrator of the story, the new Captain of a British vessel currently anchored at the mouth of the Meinam River in the Gulf of Siam, stands on the deck of his ship before joining his crew for supper.
At supper, the Captain remarks that he saw the masts of a ship anchored amongst some nearby islands.