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सल्कस Meaning in English

सल्कस शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sulcus

सल्कस हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

छाती की भित्ति (सुपीरियर सल्कस ट्यूमर समेत), डायफ्राम, फ्रेनिक नर्व, मीडियास्टिनल प्लूरा या पेराइटल पेरीकार्डियम।

""छाती की भित्ति (सुपीरियर सल्कस ट्यूमर समेत), डायफ्राम, फ्रेनिक नर्व, मीडियास्टिनल प्लूरा या पेराइटल पेरीकार्डियम।

बीवी माइक्रोबायोटा संक्रमित मादाओं के पुरुष भागीदारों में लिंग, कोरोनल सल्कस और नर मूत्रमार्ग में पाया गया है।

सल्कस इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

the inferior surface presents two articular areas, the posterior and middle calcaneal surfaces, separated from one another by a deep groove, the sulcus tali.

The lateral intraparietal sulcus (LIP) contains neurons that produce enhanced activation when attention is moved onto the stimulus or the animal saccades towards a visual stimulus, and the ventral intraparietal sulcus (VIP) where visual and somatosensory information are integrated.

In contrast to the ventral stream's auditory processing, information enters from the primary auditory cortex into the posterior superior temporal gyrus and posterior superior temporal sulcus.

Conversely, patients with lesions in the region of the intraparietal sulcus tend to have greater deficits in subtraction, with preserved multiplication abilities.

Cusack Park (Mullingar), Ireland, home of Westmeath GAA The intermammary cleft or intermammary sulcus or sulcus intermammarius is a surface feature of males and females that marks the division of the two breasts with the sternum (breastbone) in the middle.

The International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) uses the terms "sulcus intermammarius" or "intermammary cleft" when referring to the area between the breasts.

"Sulcus" is a Latin word that means a furrow or groove, commonly used to mean a fold, fissure or furrow of the brain (example: lateral sulcus).

sulcus, Cambridge Dictionarysulcus, Collins Dictionary In popular usage the area is commonly referred to as a cleavage of breasts.

A dense structure of Cooper's ligaments is medially inserted into the skin overlying the sternum, determining the shape of the breasts and intermammary sulcus.

The posterior parolfactory sulcus separates the paraterminal gyrus from BA25.

Approximate boundaries are the cingulate sulcus dorsally and the parieto-occipital sulcus caudally.

It partially surrounds the subparietal sulcus, the ventral continuation of the cingulate sulcus in the parietal lobe.

It is a narrow band located in the anterior cingulate gyrus adjacent to the supracallosal gyrus in the depth of the callosal sulcus, near the genu of the corpus callosum.

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