सरोगेसी Meaning in English
सरोगेसी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : surrogacy
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किराए पर लेने वालेसरोगेट मां
घिरा होना
घेर कर हमलाअना
घेरे रहना
घेरे हुए होना
चारो ओर से घेरना
चारों ओर से घेर लेना
चारों ओर से घेरना
चारों और से घेरना
चारों तरफ़ से घेरे हुए होना
परकोटे अथवा खाई से घेरना
घिरा हुआ
घेर लिया
सरोगेसी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
मोक्ष को बचाने के लिए, कल्याणी आईवीएफ सरोगेसी लेती है और इसे गुप्त रखती है।
इंडियन एक्सप्रेस की इशिता सेनगुप्ता ने कहा कि यह सरोगेसी पर एक मज़ेदार फिल्म है।
फिल्म हास्यपूर्ण तरीके से स्थानापन्न मातृत्व (सरोगेसी) से संबंधित है।
"" सरोगेसी को उनके रूढ़िवादी परिवार से छुपाया जाता है।
स्थानापन्न मातृत्व (सरोगेसी)।
सरोगेसी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In her 1993 book, Women as Wombs: Reproductive Technologies and the Battle over Women's Freedom, Raymond examined how reducing infertility to a disease in the West has helped to promote the use of new reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy.
The book was one of the first to look at the international reproductive trafficking of women and children as organized by the adoption, organ and surrogacy trade.
In January 2020, they had twins, a boy and a girl, via surrogacy.
Gestational surrogacy arrangements are valid and legal in Utah but only for married couples.
Constitution, ruled unconstitutional a piece of state law barring same-sex couples from reaching a surrogacy agreement with a woman they wish to carry their child.
embryology, surrogacy and [genetics].
| Commercial surrogacy for gay male couples.
In January 2014, Minister for Justice and Equality Alan Shatter announced that the Government of Ireland would bring in laws by the end of the year to extend guardianship, custody, and access rights to the non-biological parents of children in same-sex relationships and children born through surrogacy and sperm and egg donation.
Same-sex couples can also adopt children jointly, and also arrange IVF and surrogacy treatments.
These unions are granted most of the rights of marriages, including adoption, welfare benefits, pension, inheritance tax, income tax, social security, health benefits, immigration, joint property ownership, hospital and prison visitation, IVF and surrogacy.
On 30 December 2016, their second child, Henry Richard Isaac Thynn, was born by surrogacy at a private clinic in West Hollywood.