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सरकारी अनुबंध Meaning in English

सरकारी अनुबंध शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : government contract

सरकारी-अनुबंध हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" जुलाई में, नीतीश कुमार ने सभी सरकारी अनुबंधों में ओबीसी, ईबीसी और अनुसूचित जाति / एसटी के लिए 50 लाख रुपये का कोटा घोषित किया था।

SBG की स्थापना 1931 में शेख मोहम्मद बिन अवध बिन लादेन सय्यद ने की थी, जिनके संबंध देश के संस्थापक अब्दुल अजीज अल सऊद से थे, जिन्होंने मक्का और मदीना में मस्जिदों को पुनर्जीवित करने जैसे महत्वपूर्ण सरकारी अनुबंधों का नेतृत्व किया।

२००८ में उन्होंने €५०,००० देकर स्वयं को सरकारी अनुबंध से मुक्त किया, और रॉथ्सचाइल्ड और सी बैंक में निवेश बैंकर की नौकरी करने लगे।

सरकारी-अनुबंध इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The General Electric Company was under a government contract to create an inexpensive substitute for synthetic rubber for the war effort.

In the private sector, she started her law career at the corporate firm Simpson Thacher and is currently on the corporate board of Abt Associates, a for-profit government contractor involved in research, evaluation and implementing programs in the fields of health, social and environmental policy, and international development.

As public government contractor.

Farrell also played a leading role for the city of Los Angeles to divest from South Africa, and he pushed for the city to deny government contracts to corporations that had ongoing businesses in Apartheid South Africa.

In 1882 the national government contracted the local businessman Eduardo Madero to take charge of the construction of a new port which would solve these problems.

He encouraged the passing of the Davis-Bacon Act, which determined the prevailing wage to be paid on a government contract or federally funded construction project.

In February 2008, Express One and Joseph Kuchta were debarred from government contracting as a result of collusive bidding conduct and fraud.

He patented it and received government contracts, but the great cost of his cannon prevented a demand for them.

The institute receives funding from government contracts, foundations and private donors.

In 2013, federal government contracts provided about 54% of Urban's operating funds, private foundations another 30%, and nonprofits, corporations and corporate foundations, state and local governments, international organizations and foreign entities, individuals, and Urban's endowment the rest.

All this was in addition to the relatively run of the mill and mundane work he was expected to do: advising the government on points of law, drafting government contracts, drafting new legislation, instituting criminal prosecutions, and representing the government in court in all cases to which it was a party.

The German government contracted for three ships in June 1996 with an option on a fourth that was provisionally to have been named Thüringen, but the option for this fourth ship was not taken up.

As a result of this new focus, ASEE began to administer several teaching-related government contracts, including NASA's summer faculty fellowships and the Defense Department's Civil Defense Summer Institutes and Fellowships.

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