समुचित रुप से Meaning in English
समुचित रुप से शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : properly
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
समुचित रूप सेठिक तरह से लगाना
ठीक तरह से लगा हुआ
गुण धर्म
जायदाद वाला
गुण अग्राही
समुचित-रुप-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Other names in politics which could be regarded as gag names include John Boehner, Harry Baals, Dick Armey, and Tiny Kox (although Boehner's surname is properly pronounced "bay-ner", it is often misunderstood as "boner").
Unfortunately, as with the Comstock mining securities boom of the 1870s, Los Angeles' land boom attracted an unscrupulous element that often sold interest in properties whose titles were not properly recorded, or in tracts that did not even exist.
InterVarsity Press, publisher of the New Bible Commentary, stated that Driscoll failed to properly provide quotation or attribution for the material.
His intention was to so improve ship design that, in whatever wind and weather, vessels would sail safely, speedily and economically with a crew properly accommodated and put to no unnecessary risk.
Today, we would call his approach "[this time, to be successful, innovations had to be well founded in good science, properly protected against plagiarism by George Manson (3 December 1850 – 27 February 1876) was a Scottish watercolour painter born in Edinburgh.
A tool called a punch down tool is used to push the wire down firmly and properly into the slot.
303 "Lodge refused to subpoena Major Gardener on the grounds that his "allegations were not properly sustained", according to the San Francisco Call, May 2, 1902.
Students will learn to properly speak English as a second language and choose whether or not to study abroad in countries such as the United States, Canada or Europe.
He tried to return to duty that summer, but the wound would not heal properly, so he became a member of the Invalid Corps, serving out the remainder of the Civil War as a mustering officer/recruiter in Louisville for three years.
" Smith said that he had scoured Kentucky's prison pens, jails, and workhouses to find these men and that his only aim was to serve his God and his country properly.
However, these cracks can be very localized so as to not play a major role in scattering loss if properly prepared.
Sang-Drax is defeated and the realms are properly aligned.