समान्य Meaning in English
समान्य शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : common
, flat
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
फ्लैटचपटी एजेंसियों
चपटा वार
चपटे तले वाली
सपाट चेहरा
सपाट तल वाला नौसैनिक पोत
चपटे कीड़े
चपटे पैर वाला
समतल नीचा भूमि
चपटी नाक वाला
फ्लैट नोज्ड
चपटे शिखर वाली पहाड़ी
फ्लैट रेस
फ्लैट रेसिंग
समान्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
While many sections are made by hot or cold rolling, others are made by welding together flat or bent plates (for example, the largest circular hollow sections are made from flat plate bent into a circle and seam-welded).
They were briefly engaged (Justin having proposed with a ring bought with Becca's credit card) until Becca finally got tired of his immaturity and ended their relationship, kicking him out of the flat.
Near Vernon Park there used to be a complex of high-rise flats which consisted of horizontal and vertical blocks connected by aerial concrete walkways.
A key signature with no flats or sharps generally indicates the key of C major or A minor, but can also indicate that pitches will be notated with accidentals as required.
Ashley - known in those days as "Tyger" - became a regular guest in the Peggs' Leeds flat, which they shared with their young daughter Clancy.
Prior to the building of the weir, low tide would expose mudflats, which were unsightly and emitted a strong odour, particularly in the summer months.
In December 2012 Krugman again addressed Murphy's failed inflation predictions, criticizing Murphy's belief that "his failed inflation forecast is OK" because it is attributable to "huge deflationary downdraft that offset the inflationary impact of Fed expansion.
the multi-spotted flat, is a hesperiid butterfly which is found in Asia.
A commercial version of the Balilla was offered, both as a panel van or as a small flat-bed truck, with a 350"nbsp;kg load capacity, based initially on the 3-speed 508A and later on the 4-speed 508B.
In this and other financial projections, the CCATPS assumed an "escalation" of 5% per year, an unfortunate estimate of the unforeseeable 8–11% inflation rates of the next few years.
This lower tower height results in a much flatter cable angle, typically ~ 17° to the horizontal, and a correspondingly much higher axial compression force within the bridge superstructure due to the greater horizontal force component within each cable stay.
The conclusions of this study estimated the possible effects of a "maximum credible accident" for nuclear reactors then envisioned as being 3400 deaths, 43,000 injuries and property damage of '7 billion ('57bn adjusted for inflation in 2012 since 1957).
Bulkhead flatcar 16217: built in 1959 for the Minneapolis " St.
समान्य हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
इसके अलावा इनकी जासूस जैसन बोर्न पर आधरित बॉर्न त्रयी में मुख्य भूमिका, दि डिपार्टेड मे नकात्मक भुमिका, दि गुड शेफर्ड मे एक उच्च खुफिया अधिकारी, इत्यदि भूमिकाओ के लिये आलोचको व जनसमान्य दोनो से प्रशंशा मिल चुकी है।
बार-बार होने वाले मस्तिष्क ज्वर का लगभग 59% ऐसी शारीरिक असमान्यताओं के कारण, 36% प्रतिरक्षण कमजोरियों (जैसे पूरक कमियां, जो बार-बार होने वाले मैनिंगोकॉकल मस्तिष्क ज्वर की प्रवृत्ति रखती हैं) के कारण और 5%, मस्तिष्क आवरण से जुड़े क्षेत्रों में होने वाले संक्रमणों को कारण होता है।
'मंत्र' का समान्य अर्थ है- 'मननात् त्रायते इति मन्त्रः'।
10 दिसम्बर 1948 को संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ की समान्य सभा ने मानव अधिकारों की सार्वभौम घोषणा को स्वीकृत और घोषित किया।
"" उपनिषदों के काल के विषय मे निश्चित मत नही है समान्यत उपनिषदो का काल रचनाकाल ३००० ईसा पूर्व से ५०० ईसा पूर्व माना गया है।
इसकी एक समान्य कौंसिल है जिसमें कई सभासद, एक कार्यकारी बोर्ड, एक वित्त समिति (फ़ाइनैन्स कमेटी) आदि हैं।
कंकाल विकृति - पैरों का टेढ़ा होना, मेरुदण्ड का असामान्य टेढ़ा होना, पेडू की असमान्यता और छाती की छड्डियों का बाहर आना होता है।
समान्यतः यह आस पास के क्षेत्रों से ७-८ मीटर ऊँचा रहता है।
यदि किडनी संबंधी कोई अन्य अंतर्निहित असमान्यता न हो तो बार-बार होने वाले यूटीआई आगे होने वाली गुर्दे की समस्याओं का बेहद कम संभावित कारण होता है, यह वयस्कों में होने वाले गंभीर गुर्दा रोग का मात्र एक तिहाई (0.33%) प्रतिशत से भी कम होता है।
ब्लो-आउट (Blow-out) - पानी की बूंदें समान्यतौर पर खुलने वाले वायु इनलेट से हवा के साथ-साथ कूलिंग टॉवर से निकलती हैं।
अगर चिकित्सकीय रूप से स्पष्ट हेपेटाइटिस प्रकट होता है तो सभी दवाओं को तब तक रोक दिया जाना चाहिए जब तक यकृत ट्रांसएमिनेस का स्तर समान्य न हो जाये.।
लीथियम उन लोगों में जोखिम कम करने में प्रभावी दिखता है जिनमें द्विध्रुवीय विकार और एकध्रुवीय अवसाद समान्य जनसंख्या जितने स्तर पर दिखता है।
ईषर्या द्वेष भेदभाव छूआछूत कपटी धूर्त जैसे लोग मानव समाज में समान्य है ।
समान्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Canadian expatriate male actors in the United States Periodic paralysis is a group of rare genetic diseases that lead to weakness or paralysis from common triggers such as cold, heat, high carbohydrate meals, not eating, stress or excitement and physical activity of any kind.
In Mexico, it is called huautli ( and alegría ( and in English it has several common names, including blood amaranth, red amaranth, purple amaranth, prince's feather, and Mexican grain amaranth.
In Kerala, it is called chuvanna cheera ("ചുവന്ന ചീര") or commonly, cheera ("ചീര").
These are some common contact explosives.
pneumonia (most commonly caused by S.
The most common adverse reactions experienced are:.
A 2011 study of fire toxicity of insulating materials at the University of Central Lancashire's Centre for Fire and Hazard Science studied PIR and other commonly used materials under more realistic and wide-ranging conditions representative of a wider range of fire hazard, observing that most fire deaths resulted from toxic product inhalation.
The song is performed in the key of E major with a tempo of 96 beats per minute in common time.
Former US Congressman from New Hampshire Dick Swett's name, when pronounced, sounds like common slang for male genital perspiration.
For insurance policies for property insurance, a contractual stipulation that the lost asset must be actually repaired or replaced before the replacement cost can be paid is common.
The White House trailhead is the main entrance, and the one most commonly used.
Recently, Jackson-Side Wah Ching has been more commonly known as Insane-Side Wah Ching, due to the Wah Ching's rivalry with the similarly named Jackson Street Boys as well as the gang's habit for gruesome crimes such as 23-marking.
Although it originated in biology, it is now more common in humanities, history, and social science.