समझ की कमी Meaning in English
समझ की कमी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lack of understanding
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
एकता का अभावऐक्य का अभाव
पेशाब की कमी
शरीर में पानी की कमी होना
इच्छाशक्ति का अभाव या दोष
अपने आप पर भरोसा नहीं होना
समझ-की-कमी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
हालांकि, वहाँ कभी कभी विकासशील देशों में संभावित लाभार्थियों की वास्तविक जरूरतों के बारे में विकसित देशों में शोधकर्ताओं ने समझ की कमी है।
इसके अलावा संभावना की समझ की कमी कि आम तौर पर इसका प्रभाव ज्यादा उम्र में दिखायी देता है और व्यक्तित्व में ह्रास या विकार पैदा करता है जो आम तौर पर उच्च जोखिम या आत्म विनाशकारी व्यवहार में दिखायी देता है।
"" हालांकि, वहाँ कभी कभी विकासशील देशों में संभावित लाभार्थियों की वास्तविक जरूरतों के बारे में विकसित देशों में शोधकर्ताओं ने समझ की कमी है।
एल विल्ल्कोच्क्स (L. Willcocks), एम. लासिटी (M. Lacity) और जी फिजराल्ड़ (G. Fitzgerald) ने कई समस्याओं को पहचान जैसे कि अनुबंध से जुडी हुई मुश्किलें, अस्पष्ट करार से लेकर तकनीकी, आईटी प्रक्रियाओं की समझ की कमी है |।
इसके अलावा, 'मिलावट, अनुपयुक्त सूत्रीकरण, या वनस्पति और दवा की अंतःक्रिया के बारे में समझ की कमी से प्रतिकूल प्रतिक्रियाएं हो सकती हैं जो कभी-कभी जीवन के लिए लिए खतरा या घातक बन सकती हैं'..।
समझ-की-कमी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Browne passionately addresses Melanie's lack of understanding regarding the depth of her own family's history and legacy.
Until more adults are included in the research on diagnosis and treatment, misperceptions may occur and their quality of life may deteriorate over time into loneliness, isolation, anger, and even aggression as a result of a lack of understanding on the part of both populations.
Textron purchased the company in 1967, a move that some critics claim decreased quality due to management's lack of understanding of Gorham's specialty, producing high-quality sterling silverware and holloware.
Trevor is often frustrated by Æon's apparent lack of understanding of his own occasionally nebulous motives; he will be invariably heard to say "You just don't get it, do you?" Æon is generally not impressed with his grand plans, going so far as to call him a deranged individual in one episode.
The importance of this approach arose due to the failures of the international community during the Yugoslav Wars, where a lack of understanding about the ethnic situation by international mediators often led to a worsening of the situation.
The members of the ACWF identified two potential sources for the lack of understanding.
I mean the opposite of a talkative film where the text would be used to fill the gaps: that is to say, a work in which eloquent silences are felt as lack of understanding about both is constant.
From population screening to early diagnosis there is a lack of understanding.
As NGOs try to help countries to tackle these issues more successfully, a lack of understanding about their role in civil society and the public perception that the government alone is responsible for the well-being of its citizens and residents makes NGOs tasks more difficult to achieve.
However, most of these proposals show a lack of understanding of the hypothesis or of the history of the languages in question, and are instead examples of lexicalisation.
This is due to high cost of alternative stoves, cookstove malfunction, and the lack of understanding as well as the importance of gender roles and discussing the adoption of alternative cookstove technology.
" He states that a usual prejudice involves a lack of understanding of the scope of scientific laws, which merely describe how natural systems behave isolated from free agents.