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सब से ऊंचा Meaning in English

सब से ऊंचा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : highest

सब-से-ऊंचा हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

छत्तीसगढ़ के नगर काकेशस पर्वत शृंखला यूरोप और एशिया की सीमा पर स्थित, कृष्ण सागर और कैस्पियन सागर के दरमियान के कॉकस क्षेत्र की एक नदी है, जिसमें यूरोप का सब से ऊंचा पहाड़, एल्ब्रुस पर्वत, भी शामिल है।

खुम्बु की ऊंचाई, पृथ्वी पर सब से ऊंचा जगह 8,848 मीटर (29,029 फीट) माउंट एवरेस्ट शिखर सम्मेलन के लिए 3,300 मीटर (11,000 फीट) से चलता है।

अमेरिकी संस्कृति में किसी वस्तु के बारे में बात करते हुए इस तरह की चीज़ें कहना आम है के 'फ़लाना कारख़ाना मिसिसिप्पी से पश्चिम में सब से बड़ा है' या $फ़लाना पर्वत मिसिसिप्पी से पूर्व में सब से ऊंचा है।

""शिकोकू का सब से ऊंचा पहाड़ इशिज़ूची पहाड़ है जो १,९८२ मीटर (६,५०३ फ़ुट) ऊंचा है।

इसमें पेलोपोनीज़ का सब से ऊंचा पहाड़ स्थित है: २,४०७ मीटर ऊंचा प्रोफ़ितिस इलिआस शिखर (Profitis Ilias)।

सब-से-ऊंचा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Stockbridge contains speciality shops including a cheese shop as well as many charity shops (some of which are among the highest grossing in the UK).

WBXX was consistently one of the highest-rated WB stations in the country, and was recognized as such by The WB network.

As ships grew in size and complexity, that station came to be mounted on the highest mast of the oceangoing vessel, and it came to be known as the crow's nest.

The highest title in the territory, the Canadian Heavyweight Championship (going all the way back to the 30s) was abandoned (although it was resurrected in 1998 and continues to be recognized to this day in the Canadian independent scene).

Although installed after the death of Cavaillé-Coll, it bears his name rather than that of his son-in-law Mutin, and the internal works are of a quality which identifies this model with the highest standards of workmanship of the high days of that company.

The deepest point of denunciation, with , is located on the railway line at the border to the municipality of Offenhausen; the highest point of on the Judenstein is on the border to the municipality of Meidelstetten.

43 in 1917 and won 17 games—the seventh highest tally in the American League.

X-Men supporting characters The Texas Legislative Medal of Honor, commonly referred to as the Texas Medal of Honor, is the highest military decoration that can be conferred to a service member of the Texas Military Forces.

The service has adopted elements of medical, military and aviation culture to deliver the highest standards in intensive care to the roadside.

At , it is also the highest constructed dam in England.

Intending to enter the priesthood, he began his study of theology in 1801, and proved to be a good student, earning highest academic honors.

By 1830, the establishment of a Catholic college and seminary became Fenwick's highest priority.

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