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सप्लाई करना Meaning in English

सप्लाई करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : supply

सप्लाई-करना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

यह बाँध 2008 से 2012 के समय के भीतर बन कर तैयार हुआ था जिसका मुख्य मंतव पानी की सप्लाई करना था।

""एन्नोर पोर्ट की प्राथमिक अवधारणा इसे चेन्नई बंदरगाह के उपग्रहीय बंदरगाह के रूप में विकसित करने की थी, जिसका प्राथमिक कार्य तमिल नाडु बिजली बोर्ड (टीएनईबी) के तापिवद्युत संयंत्रों को कोयले की सप्लाई करना होता।

सप्लाई-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The crews of the ships employed by Gute Bücher für Alle include staff known as "challenge teams"; according to the website, these "Teams go from the ship into surrounding areas to visit hospitals, schools, orphanages or prisons, supply aid and provide community care.

Five Percent" because that is how much of the world's yearly supply he controlled.

Served as regimental supply officer during World War I.

Since Lewis in his model considers overpopulated labour surplus economies he assumes that the supply of unskilled labour to the capitalist sector is unlimited.

A large portion of the unlimited supply of labor consists of those who are in disguised unemployment in agriculture and in other over-manned occupations such as domestic services casual jobs, petty retail trading.

Lewis also accounts for two other factors that cause an increase in the supply of unskilled labour, they are women in the household and population growth.

Such growth does not raise the value of the subsistence wage, because the supply of labor exceeds the demand at that wage, and rising production via improved labour techniques has the effect of lowering the capital coefficient.

When all the surplus labor is exhausted, the supply of labor to the industrial sector becomes less than perfectly elastic.

The main supply of drinking water is provided by the Gravataí River, formed at Banhado Grande and flowing west into the city towards the Guaíba estuary.

Military bases and supply camps act as intermission points where the player can organize and set up their units for the upcoming mission.

Auchincloss was looking for a partner in India to help establish an Indian subsidiary to supply him Papain.

Part of her strategy was to enter into long-term supply contracts, establishing a dependable market base over time.

It also repeats earlier injunctions not to supply items useful in war such as weaponry, iron or timber to either Muslims or non-Christians.

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