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सत्कार्य Meaning in English

सत्कार्य शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : good deed
, good work

सत्कार्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Garven said that working on Home and Away was a fun experience and that she had developed a good working relationship with those who play her on-screen family.

On day 3, England’s bowlers continued their good work despite finding the hot and humid conditions difficult.

This series, like all good work, advanced very slowly.

Information the manufacturer provides on these charts has been gathered from test flights conducted in a new aircraft, under normal operating conditions while using average piloting skills, and with the aircraft and engine in good working order.

And you'll have a monster hit – good work, chum.

Toussaint is remembered for his good works by a series of portraits in Gracie Mansion.

O'Halloran had a very good working relationship with Playford, which would be unthinkable in today's climate of adversarial politics.

Pseudo-Chrysostom: For it is impossible that God should leave in obscurity any good work of man; but He makes it manifest in this world, and glorifies it in the next world, because it is the glory of God; as likewise the Devil manifests evil, in which is shown the strength of his great wickedness.

In the process, he developed a good working relationship with many private club managers, that ensured a continuous flow of bookings.

To be an attractive employer, the mine company built new houses to offer its employees good working conditions.

The Lady chapel of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin has a window of Dorcas with the legend: "Dorcas this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds".

He occasionally sent good work to the exhibitions of the Victorian Artists' Society, but never mixed much in the artistic life of his time.

सत्कार्य हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

सांख्य-दर्शन का मुख्य आधार सत्कार्यवाद है।

हेगेल, निसंदेह, एक कट्टर सत्कार्यवादी विचारक थे।

यह आश्रम अभी भी सत्कार्यों जैसे निर्धनों और जरुरतमंदों को खिलाना, गायों के लिए चारा देने में लगा हुआ है।

सत्कार्यवाद के दो भेद हैं- परिणामवाद तथा विवर्तवाद।

"" वास्तव में राजा के पद पर उसका कोई लोकतांत्रिक चुनाव हुआ, यह निश्चितरूप से सही मान लेना तो कठिन है, पर यह अवश्य प्रतीत होता है कि अपने सत्कार्यो से उसने जनमानस में अपने लिये उच्चस्थान बना लिया था।

फिर असत्कार्यों से निवृत्त होने के व्रत का मतलब है, उसके विरोधी सत्कार्यों में मन, वचन और काय से प्रवृत्त होना।

महर्षि चित्र ने कहा-'हे विप्रवर! जो व्यक्ति अग्निहोत्रादि सत्कार्यों का अनुष्ठान करने वाले हैं, वे सभी इस लोक से चन्द्रलोक, अर्थात स्वर्गलोक की ओर गमन करते हैं, लेकिन जो व्यक्ति स्वर्गीय सुख के प्रति आसक्त होकर चन्द्रलोक स्वीकार कर लेता है, उसके सभी पुण्य नष्ट हो जाते हैं और वह पुन: इस धरती पर वापस आ गिरता है, अर्थात उसका फिर से पुनर्जन्म हो जात है।

वे जन सामान्य में राजर्षि (संधि विच्छेदः राजा+ऋषि राजर्षि अर्थात ऐसा प्रशासक जो ऋषि के समान सत्कार्य में लगा हुआ हो।

"" सत्कार्यवाद के दो भेद हैं- परिणामवाद तथा विवर्तवाद।

उसमें इतनी अतिश्योक्ति है कि फीरोज के सत्कार्यों के वर्णन को पढ़कर सर हेनरी इलियट ने उसकी तुलना अकबर से कर डाली है।

विषम-ऊँगली खुरदार सत्कार्यवाद, सांख्यदर्शन का मुख्य आधार है।

सत्कार्यवाद की स्थापना भी तर्कों के ही आधार पर की गई है।

दुर्जन मानव भी यदि सच्चे मार्ग पर आए तो वह सांस्कृतिक कार्य में अपना बहुत बड़ा योग दे सकता है और दुर्बलता सतत खटकती रहने पर ऐसे मानव को अपने किए हुए सत्कार्य के लिए ज्यादा घमंड भी निर्माण नहीं होगा।

सत्कार्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Without exception, newspaper reports of the time talk of his charity, his kindness, his benevolence and his good deeds and public works.

After his death, his spirit performed good deeds in Lung Kong and the Emperor awarded him the title of Chun Kwan Tai Tai () and built temples for him.

Tonrariāno (who she calls Ton-chan) tells her if she can collect 108 pearls by doing good deeds as Burin, she can do so.

Tonrariano tells her if she can collect 108 pearls by doing good deeds as Burin she can take on another hero form.

Based on Jesus' doctrine of the sheep and the goats, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy are a means of grace as good deeds; it is also a work of justice pleasing to God.

A Scout strives to do a good deed every day, however small it might seem.

Afterwards, he and Śāriputra continued to do good deeds for many lifetimes, until the time of Sakyamuni Buddha.

And this man decides that maybe he should do one good deed, even if it goes against all the rules of his life as he understands it .

Pandurang learns a lesson: that good deeds do not count for much in life.

Wat Phra Dhammakaya emphasizes a culture of making merit through doing good deeds and meditation, as well as an ethical outlook on life.

This verse begins the discussion of how even good deeds can be done for the wrong reasons.

In those verses Jesus consistently argued that ill motives are just as bad as evil acts, in this and subsequent verses he argues that it is impossible for good deeds to be the product of ill thoughts.

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