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सख्ती के साथ Meaning in English

सख्ती के साथ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : strictly

सख्ती-के-साथ हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

अंतिम कारण था चूंकि उस समय बल्लेबाज को गेंद को दो बार हिट करने की अनुमति हुआ करती थी और बल्लेबाज के पास क्षेत्ररक्षण बहुत ही खतरनाक हुआ करता था, बाद में हुई दो घटनाओं ने सख्ती के साथ इसकी पुष्टि की।

इस सख्ती के साथ एल्वियोलर तरल के कारण ऑक्सीजन निष्कर्षण में गम्भीर कठिनाइयों के संयोजन के चलते उत्तरजीविता हेतु लम्बी अवधि के लिये यान्त्रिक श्वसन की आवश्यकता पड़ सकती है।

""ओएसआई में ग्राहक/उपभोक्ता परतें काफ़ी सख्ती के साथ वर्णित की जाती हैं, लेकिन इनका टीसीपी/आईपी के मामले के ाथ विराधाभास नहीं है, क्योंकि नवाचारों के प्रयोग को परतीय प्रतिमान के पदानुक्रम का पालन करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है।

सख्ती-के-साथ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The jurisprudential camp of legal realism, broadly speaking, consists of those scholars who strictly reject the concept of natural law and who believe that legal concepts, terminology and values should be based on experience, observation and experimentation and are thus, ‘real’.

Like Lasauvage in the south of Luxembourg, Doncols and Sonlez, were formerly known as French-speaking (or, strictly, in their cases, Walloon-speaking) villages.

In Dum Diversas, the European trade with Muslims was strictly prohibited but Romanus Pontifex gave the King of Portugal an exception, provided that the trade did not include iron, weapons, and wood for building.

The Mark VIII is an American modification of the British wire-wound Mark VIII howitzer to permit of a built up type of construction and is strictly of American manufacture.

Unlike strictly logical approaches (which focus on the study of argument as product), or purely communication approaches (which emphasize argument as a process), pragma-dialectics was developed to study the entirety of an argumentation as a discourse activity.

China has been found to be the main source of bear bile products on sale throughout South-East Asia; this international trade in their parts and derivatives is strictly prohibited by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

The promotion of the film for "educational" purposes allowed it to portray taboo subjects that were otherwise forbidden by the Motion Picture Production Code of 1930, especially after those restrictions were strictly imposed on Hollywood productions after July 1934.

Naturally, in the absence of mass media these bands strictly had a local character and would only play folk music that was popular within a particular region where the city lies.

American foreign policy was to stay strictly neutral in religious matters.

Jewish Science shares several principle beliefs with Christian Science and the New Thought movement, and it is intended to function as a counterweight to the Christian elements in both of these movements and strictly maintain its Jewish identity.

It can be done for strictly monetary reasons, but typically there is some amount of personal access involved.

Welch's final work, The Road to Waterloo, not strictly speaking part of the Carey family saga but closely connected to it in terms of subject matter, remained unpublished at the time of his death.

The matter was taken to court, with Galeshewe's cousin Petlhu demanding compensation, but the magistrate ruled in favour of the farmer as straying cattle was strictly prohibited.

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