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संधि वार्ता करना Meaning in English

संधि वार्ता करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : treaty negotiation

संधि-वार्ता-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

At the same time, he investigates the apparent death of the Vulcan ambassador whom the Enterprise was ferrying to the Neutral Zone in order to conduct treaty negotiations with the Romulans.

The N'Quatqua First Nation on Anderson Lake, between Mount Currie and Lillooet, was at one time involved in joint treaty negotiations with the In-SHUCK-ch but its members have voted to withdraw, though a tribal council including the In-SHUCK-ch bands and N'Quatqua remains, the Lower Stl'atl'imx Tribal Council.

Both are currently in the process of treaty negotiations with British Columbia and Canada.

Northeastern North America had been pulled into the conflict by King George's War and achieved a significant victory with the capture of the Fortress of Louisbourg in 1745, only to have it returned to France during treaty negotiations, to the chagrin of New England.

The five Malay states were not represented in the treaty negotiation.

In 1991, along with the late Squamish Chief Joe Matthias, he helped to create the First Nations Summit, the organization representing the British Columbia First Nations involved in treaty negotiations with Canada and British Columbia.

During the treaty negotiations, two Protestant mediators—Han Bruno of Metz and Johannes Sturm—were concerned that Henry's war in Scotland was a stumbling block.

Texas and the Penateka Comanche treaty negotiations .

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