श्येन Meaning in English
श्येन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : shen
, hawk
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
सूखी घास
परागज ज्वर
घास के ढेर
श्येन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Rs behind enemy landing grounds, flown with Kittyhawk escorts; but high losses amongst Tac.
The Jetsons – Skyhawk Mike, additional voices.
, Nonis played junior hockey with the Burnaby Bluehawks of the BCJHL in 1982–83.
The squadron's last combat operations were undertaken by a detachment of two Beauforts which were deployed to Biak during July; these aircraft bombed Japanese positions in the area alongside P-40 Kittyhawks operated by No.
He started the next two games, both Seahawks losses, while waiting for Stouffer to return from his shoulder injury.
The roars of the brown howler allow the black hawk eagle to determine their location.
Following his return, the Canucks were eliminated in the sixth game by the Blackhawks.
Chicago Blackhawks draft picks.
Late in the game, with his team trailing, Jets quarterback Vinny Testaverde attempted a quarterback sneak near the Seahawks' goal line and Luckett's head linesman Earnie Frantz signaled that he had scored the go-ahead touchdown.
The TCU men's basketball team took out the Kansas Jayhawks men's basketball team, ranked #5 at the time, in the Daniel–Meyer Coliseum on February 6, 2013.
Tomahawk – presented as a subsidiary, it was only a label that Coktel Vision used to publish simulation and erotic games to distance themselves from edutainment titles.
King Abdullah II accepted his resignation on 17 October 2011 and appointed Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh as Prime Minister.
श्येन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" तमसा पिप्पलीश्येनी तथा चित्रोत्पलापि च।
दोहे के मुख्य 23 प्रकार हैं:- 1.भ्रमर, 2.सुभ्रमर, 3.शरभ, 4.श्येन, 5.मण्डूक, 6.मर्कट, 7.करभ, 8.नर, 9.हंस, 10.गयंद, 11.पयोधर, 12.बल, 13.पान, 14.त्रिकल 15.कच्छप, 16.मच्छ, 17.शार्दूल, 18.अहिवर, 19.व्याल, 20.विडाल, 21.उदर, 22.श्वान, 23.सर्प।
"" फ़ैल्कोनीनाए में श्येन, केस्ट्रेल और उनसे सम्बन्धित पक्षी आते हैं, जबकि पोलीबोरिनाए में काराकारा और वन श्येन से सम्बन्धित पक्षी शामिल हैं।
* महाश्येन (ईगल) शिकार करने वाले बड़े आकार के पक्षी हैं।
दोहे के मुख्य 23 प्रकार हैं:- 1.भ्रमर, 2.सुभ्रमर, 3.शरभ, 4.श्येन, 5.मण्डूक, 6.मर्कट, 7.करभ, 8.नर, 9.हंस, 10.गयंद, 11.पयोधर, 12.बल, 13.पान, 14.त्रिकल 15.कच्छप, 16.मच्छ, 17.शार्दूल, 18.अहिवर, 19.व्याल, 20.विडाल, 21.उदर, 22.श्वान, 23.सर्प।
यहाँ पाए जाने जानवरों में तेंदुआ, भूरा रीछ, भेड़िया, जंगली भैसा, कैस्पियन हंगूल (लाल हिरन), सुनहरा महाश्येन (चील) और ओढ़नी (हुडिड) कौवा चर्चित हैं।
73. येन प्राहुराख्यान्साद्वश्येन विऽम्बिताः।
यह क्षेत्र पक्षियों से भरा पड़ा है तथा शिकारी पक्षी बाज, चील, श्येनपक्षी तथा गिद्ध सामन्य रूप से मिलते हैं।
टारपीडो उन्नत हल्के टारपीडो श्येन (Advanced Light Torpedo Shyena) भारत के पहले स्वदेशी हल्के उन्नत पनडुब्बी रोधी टारपीडो है।
जो शिकारी चिड़ियाँ पाली जाती हैं, उनमें बाज, बहरी, शाहीन, तुरमती, चरग (या चरख), लगर, वासीन, वासा, शिकरा और शिकरचा, बीसरा, धूती तथा जुर्रा प्रमुख हैं (देखें श्येन)।
महाश्येन, फैल्कोनिफॉर्मीज़ (Falconiformes) गण, ऐक्सिपिटर (Accipitres) उपगण, फैल्कानिडी (Falconidae) कुल तथा ऐक्विलिनी (Aquilinae) उपकुल के अंतर्गत है।
हाथी, तेंदुए, स्लोथ बीयर, भैंस, नेवला जैसे स्तनधारियों और छोटे कॉर्मोरेंट, श्रीलंकाई जंगलफॉउल, उल्लू, महाश्येन, भारतीय मोर, कलगीदार सर्प चील, बैंगनी हेरोन, पिंटेल (अनास एक्यूटा), स्पूनबिल, ब्लैक-हेड इब्स, कोयल आदि पक्षियों ने भि यहाँ रहति हैं।
ये दो वर्ग ऐक्विला स्थल महाश्येन (Aquila Land Eagle) और हैलिई-एटस, जल महाश्येन (Haliaeetus Sea Eagle) हैं।
श्येन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
| Pavel MelnikovAndrey GlukhovAnton ChermashentsevAleksandr Lukyanov (cox)Nikolay AksyonovDmitry RozinkevichSergey MatveyevRoman MonchenkoVladimir VolodenkovVladimir Sokolov.
Russian feminist activist Zalina Marshenkulova, who stood up for the women, accused Dvach users of death threats and cyberbullying against her.
She worked on ‘lightpen’ animations for Pete Townshend’s film White City and Face the Face, directed by Richard Lowenstein.
He briefly served a congregation in Athens, Georgia before moving back to New York to marry Tehilla Hirshenson in 1920.
"The Joust" (1968), Miscellany Five, edited by Edward Blishen.
The song includes a riff from the 1982 hit "Forget Me Nots" by Patrice Rushen (in this case sung by Jo Bryant).
In addition to the usual comedic performers from Monty Python, producer Martin Lewis secured musical performances from Pete Townshend and Tom Robinson.
In 2014 Mishol received the Italian , previously awarded to Seamus Heaney, Adunis, Yevgeny Yevtushenko and other international poets.
Wax Flower, Even Hoshen, 2002 [Nerot Netz Ha-Chalav].
Dream Notebook, Even Hoshen, 2000 [Machberet Ha-Chalomot].
Mining communities in Scotland Japan–Russia relations (Российско-японские отношения, Rossiysko-yaponskiye otnosheniya; 日露関係史, Nichiro kankeishi) or.
Israel Bruna Ben Hayyim, jewishencyclopedia.
According to Bailey's history of Andover, the spelling Shawshin was the most common in the old records, although Shawshine, Shashin, Shashine, Shashene, Shawshene, and later, Shawsheen, are found.