शल्यकरणीय Meaning in English
शल्यकरणीय शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : surgical
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
शल्ययंत्रविज्ञानशल्यक्रियात्मक प्रसव
सर्जिकल ड्रेसिंग
शल्य प्रक्रिया
शल्यचिकित्सा व्दारा
सर्जिकल प्रक्रिया
शल्य कक्ष
शल्यचिकित्सा शास्त्र
शल्य चर्म
शल्यक स्पिरिट
शल्यक्रिया द्वारा
सुरीलापन भरना
सूरीनामी मौद्रिक इकाई
शल्यकरणीय इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In 1936 the hospital had 741 acute medical and surgical beds.
Other key treatments performed by the service include surgical chest draining (thoracostomy), surgical and non-surgical rapid sequence induction (RSI), pelvic splinting (crucial to prevent blood loss in high impact crashes and crush injuries), advanced pain relief and sedation.
It has been estimated that 50% to 60% of bears die from complications caused by the surgery or improper post-surgical care.
Gittleson, and the couple from the beginning of the film), surgical equipment, and a slab.
Sonny is taken to the hospital to have it surgically replaced.
October 2000 sports events in the United States Median sternotomy is a type of surgical procedure in which a vertical inline incision is made along the sternum, after which the sternum itself is divided, or "cracked".
This procedure provides access to the heart and lungs for surgical procedures such as [transplant], corrective surgery for congenital heart defects, or coronary artery bypass surgery.
After an attempt using orthopedic inserts in his skates failed, Whitney underwent osteotomy, a surgical procedure to realign the bones in his left foot, on August 15, 2008.
He is credited with invention of various kinds of surgical operations and developing his own technique of using plaster casts to treat fractured bones.
However, thanks to advances in veterinary surgical techniques, she was operated on by Dr.
Foreign ministers of Kyrgyzstan Pouchitis is inflammation of the ileal pouch (an artificial rectum surgically created out of ileal gut tissue in patients who have undergone a colectomy), which is created in the management of patients with ulcerative colitis, indeterminate colitis, familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), or, rarely, other colitides.
He described the surgical technique of ventriculocisternostomy (lateral ventricle to cisterna magna,; a predecessor of today's endoscopic third ventriculostomy), which is also called "Torkildsen's operation".