शमन करना Meaning in English
शमन करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to allay
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
आक्षेप करनारहने देना
अंगच्छेदन करना
जी बहलाना
मन बहलाना
एक हद तक
एक हद तक कम करने के लिए
विश्लेषण करना
सत्यानाश करना
एलान करना
लेप करना
क्षमा मांगना
अपील करना
दिखाई देना
शमन-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
However, Keitel tried to allay Thomas's fears by telling him that Hitler was planning no such war.
However, he assured his friend Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, that he had only taken this step to allay the suspicions of the parliamentary party who contemplated depriving him of the seal, and he undertook to send this to the King.
Seeking to allay liberals' fears of creeping federalism that could hamstring Congress as in United States v.
Khartoum therefore convened a conference at Juba to allay the fears of southern leaders and British officials in the south and to assure them that a post-independence government would safeguard southern political and cultural rights.
It was intended to allay fears that RIC members were joining GAA clubs to spy on members' political activities.
The poem is then given by Lamech to allay their fears.
Menachem Meiri stated that belief in the harm of pairs was widespread among the masses of the time and the Sages sought to allay their fears and draw them away from their excesses.
After the outbreak of war in September 1939 Davies demanded from the British government "a more specific and detailed statement" of war aims, to allay "suspicions"nbsp;.
When both men return to the lake at night, Odette is able to allay their suspicions that she is some sort of witch.
In July 2016, the reactor vessel for unit 1 has hit the ground during transportation, and though no damage was sustained it was decided to be replaced to allay public fears, delaying the project by a year.
Garing also took measures to allay concerns among crews regarding the Australian-built Beaufort, which appeared to have a mysterious fault that caused many fatalities.
Trump's officials tried to allay concerns that their request for '2.
It was constructed in 1869 to allay the inconvenience of crossing the Singapore River by boat.