शब्द प्रसंस्करण Meaning in English
शब्द प्रसंस्करण शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : word processing
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शब्द-प्रसंस्करण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Kingdom of Kroz), and word processing software would use this to produce printed effects such as bold, underline, and strikeout.
WWE World Tag Team Champions Hangul Office (한글 오피스) is a proprietary word processing application published by the South Korean company Hancom Inc.
*Due to the introduction of typesetting " word processing machines, ŋ is now almost entirely written NG.
In Years 7 and 8, the boys learn the basics of word processing, spreadsheet software, web design and simple programming.
Ishiguro simply ran the notion of a detective story through the word processing program of his earlier novels, then patched together the output into the ragged, if occasionally brilliant, story we hold in our hands.
Students use computers to access library resources, the Internet and to do word processing and graphical analysis.
Magic Cap incorporates a room metaphor, where the user navigates from room to room to perform various tasks, such as going to a home office to perform word processing, or to a file room to clean up the system files.
All NC students had to complete four years of English and theology, three years of mathematics, science and social studies, one year of physical education/health and a half year in word processing and service.
Since the standardized markup such as ANSI escape codes are generally invisible to the editor, they comprise a set of transitory properties that become at times indistinguishable from word processing.
But the definite distinctions from word processing are that text processing proper:.
Users can reserve time in increments of one hour to access e-mail and the Internet, or use the computers for other purposes such as word processing.
1 word processing software released.
The results, in regard to word processing, can help demonstrate how bilinguals have advantages over their monolingual peers when it comes to this area of study.