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व्‍यावहारिकतापूर्ण Meaning in English

व्‍यावहारिकतापूर्ण शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : practical

व्‍यावहारिकतापूर्ण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Lindsay stated that "the bed was practical and safe to patients.

These do not exist in practical situations and so the full extent of the model is rarely realised.

Empirical tests and practical application of the Lewis model.

By land, Gravataí is practically midway between São Paulo and Buenos Aires, the two main economic centers of Mercosur.

The Project will be realized in two stages and will demonstrate in a practical way a possibility to contribute at the same time to the Biodiversity and Climate Conventions.

The Commonwealth Relations Office noted "There are a number of Kalat sardars in Karachi offering their accession to Pakistan, and Pakistan Government may repeat procedure followed in case of Mekran and accept these offers, leaving the Khan practically without territory.

Thienamycin has antibacterial activity, but is unstable in aqueous solution, so impractical to administer to patients.

There are also small, permanent shops on the side of some non-schooling buildings, where a full-size cafeteria would be impractical.

Due to the fact that a majority of these creatures share an ecological niche, it is practical to assume they require similar structures in order to achieve the greatest amount of fitness.

Sola Scriptura - Scripture alone is the sole rule of faith and practical living.

The result had been that hostile parties had practically disappeared and their leader, Malvar, had been captured.

Upon arrival, I found 30 cases of smallpox, and average fresh ones of five a day, which practically have to be turned out to die.

Although Pandurević died in 1960, he had practically ceased writing at the outbreak of World War II.

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