व्हाइटफ़िश Meaning in English
व्हाइटफ़िश शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : whitefish
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व्हाइटफ़िश इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The meal most often consists of Lake Michigan or Lake Superior whitefish (though lake trout or locally caught salmon can be used), with other ingredients.
Barbe (barbel), Brasse (bream), Butt (flounder), Dorsch (cod), Felchen (whitefish/Coregonus wartmanni), Forelle (trout), Karpfen (carp), Lachs (salmon), Makrele (mackerel), Rochen (stingray), Salm (salmon), Schlei (tench), Stör (sturgeon), Wels (catfish), and Zander (zander).
Red Lake is a prime location for summer sport fishing, as the lake contains several types of fish including walleye, northern pike, lake trout, whitefish and sauger.
Fish species in the lake include broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus), Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus ), Burbot (Lota lota ), Arctic cisco (Coregonus autumnalis ), lake trout(Salvelinus namaycush ), Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma ), Chinook salmon(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and chum salmon(Oncorhynchus keta).
Rare Atlantic salmon and freshwater whitefish Coregonus albula and Coregonus lavaretus breed in Plateliai Lake.
The Crowsnest River is highly productive with a substantial insect population fueling a world-class sport fishery for rainbow, westslope cutthroat, bull, hybrid trout ("cutbow" cutthroat and rainbow trout crosses), brown trout (below Lundbreck Falls), mountain whitefish, and various species of suckers.
The Duck Bay wharf provides berthing for 15–20 skiffs and 3–5 whitefish vessels.
These include burbot, walleye, northern pike, lake whitefish, lake trout, sauger, goldeye, cisco, yellow perch, rainbow trout, lake sturgeon, longnose sucker, white sucker, shorthead redhorse and Atlantic Salmon.