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व्यापारिक रहस्य Meaning in English

व्यापारिक रहस्य शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : trade secrets

व्यापारिक-रहस्य हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

कॉम्बे ज्यादातर प्रतिनिधियों की तुलना में एक बेहतर व्यवसायी थे लेकिन अभी भी वहां कोई प्रवर्तक नहीं था: वे भारत के कागज़ की विशाल वाणिज्यिक क्षमता को मूर्त रूप देने में नाकामयाब रहे जो परवर्ती वर्षों में ऑक्सफोर्ड के सबसे लाभदायक व्यापारिक रहस्यों में से एक साबित हुआ।

दोनों कम्पनियां व्यापारिक रहस्यों व् एकस्व उल्लंघनों के अनिर्णीत मुकदमों को भी बंद करने के लिए भी सहमत हुईं. अधिग्रहण जून 2005 में पूरा हो गया था।

"" गूगल द्वारा लिंक फार्मों और पेजरैंक में परिवर्तन करने के अन्य उपकरणों की पहचान किस प्रकार की जाती है, यह गूगल के व्यापारिक रहस्यों में से एक है।

व्यापारिक-रहस्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In this book, the twins share their trade secrets and inspirations for all manner of misdeeds and mayhem, including skill-building exercises, sample blueprints, and schemes to try at their home.

The algorithms and neural nets designed for calculating the dimensions of a corrosion feature are complicated and often they are closely guarded trade secrets.

In March 2007, Thomas Rubin, associate general counsel for copyright, trademark, and trade secrets at Microsoft, accused Google of violating copyright law with their book search service.

However, collaboration was now more important than trade secrets, with the government encouraging any efforts that could give the Allies any edge in conflict.

In April 2008, eBay launched a lawsuit against Craigslist claiming that their executives were attempting to weaken eBay's investment, while in May of the same year, Craigslist filed a counter suit claiming Kijiji had stolen trade secrets and that eBay used misleading tactics to promote the service.

For a span of two years (1997–1999), Valentino performed, unbilled and disguised, as the "Masked Magician" in four Fox Network specials called Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed which exposed long-guarded trade secrets.

The nature of sensitive material and physical assets they may come in contact with, such as trade secrets, privacy concerns and government classified information.

Widlar and Talbert closely guarded their trade secrets and kept unwanted co-workers out of the loop.

Department of Justice to resolve a 2018 trade secrets case.

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