वोट डालते हुए Meaning in English
वोट डालते हुए शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : voting
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
वोट देनेवालावोटिंग
मतदान की आयु
वोटिंग मशीन
मतदान मेंड
मतदान का अधिकार
मतदान कक्षिका
मतदान के लिये का कमरा
मतदान स्टॉक
मत संख्या
मतदान प्रणाली
जनमत निर्धारित करने का मतदान
मतदान न्यास
मतदान भरोसा
वोट-डालते-हुए इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Prior to the reorganization, Mars Hill was governed by a full council of two dozen church elders (including Driscoll) who had equal voting authority and voted on major decisions, and a five-member council of "executive elders" (also including Driscoll) who handled daily operations but deferred to the full council for major decisions.
Even before the voting had been held, 40 members of the Shahi Jirga had signed in support of the Muslim League candidate, while the Congress candidate failed to win more than ten supporters out of the 65 voters.
Broker voting is, for the most part, governed by Rule 452.
Prior to 2009, companies in the United States were required to send proxy materials via postal mail, but following a rule change effective in 2009, companies, can handle voting electronically.
According to one study, about 31% of voting happened electronically in 2019.
He was the one who created the Forever People, claiming to be the result of his efforts to develop humanity and lead them to a new world of peace and order, devoting to wipe out disease, poverty and war.
Same year Bogachev founded "Young Energy Prize" and is now devoting all of his time to his new creation.
The concept of transferable voting was first proposed by Thomas Wright Hill in 1819.
" In Hare's original STV system, he further proposed that electors should have the opportunity of discovering which candidate their vote had ultimately counted for, to improve their personal connection with voting.
"Proportional Representation by means of the Single Transferable Vote" (commonly called "Proportional Representation" rather than "Single Transferable Vote") is used for all public elections in the Republic of Ireland, except that the Qu-winner elections (presidential elections and the Qu-vacancy by-elections) reduce to instant-runoff voting.
However, some representatives on the Senate of the National University of Ireland are elected by cumulative voting.
Electronic voting was trialled in some constituencies in the 2002 election, but discontinued due to concerns about the lack of an audit trail.