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वैभव Meaning in English

वैभव शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : majesty
, grandeur

वैभव इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Redolent of the imperial grandeur of the Kaiser, the yacht was used as a symbol of German power and prestige.

The crew instead adopted miniature effect techniques (playing on perspective) to achieve the illusion of size and grandeur for several scenes.

The buildings of Rossi are characteristic of the empire style, which combines grandeur with noble simplicity.

The Scottish crown grew in prestige throughout the era and adopted the conventional offices of Western European courts and later elements of their ritual and grandeur.

Fête galante paintings are an important part of the Rococo period of art, which saw the focus of European arts move away from the hierarchical, standardized grandeur of the church and royal court and toward an appreciation for intimacy and personal pleasures.

typically used to describe early teens who have delusions of grandeur and have convinced themselves they have hidden knowledge or secret powers.

Palanquins vary in size and grandeur.

A 1971 movie, La folie des grandeurs, directed by Gérard Oury, adapted by Danièle Thomson, and starring Alice Sapritch, Louis de Funès and Yves Montand, is also based on the play.

After the death of Louis XIV in 1715, the aristocrats of the French court abandoned the grandeur of Versailles for the more intimate townhouses of Paris where, elegantly attired, they could play and flirt and put on scenes from the Italian commedia dell'arte.

His lyrics for the song (finished with writing partner John Barlow) examine a character's delusions of grandeur and California's propensity for false prophets.

Stoop grandeur from thy throne ye sons of pride, To whom no want is known, nor wish denied.

He stops short of killing the king himself and the warrior Unferth (Ric Stone), whose delusions of grandeur and passive opposition to the king amuse Grendel.

वैभव हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

लौकिक वैभव से वह अत्यंत विरक्त थे।

आज भी कई पारंपरिक उत्सवों में गोंडवाना राज्य के किस्से कहानियो को बड़े चाव से सुनकर उनके वैभवशाली इतिहास की परम्परा को याद किया जाताविभिन्न हिस्सों में अपने-अपने राज्य विकसित किए, जिनमे से नर्मदा नदी बेसिन पर स्थित गढ़मंडला एक प्रमुख गोंडवाना राज्य रहा है।

यह किला प्राचीन वैभव और पराक्रम का जीता जागता दस्तावेज है।

सातवीं सदी ईस्वी तक आते-आते फारसी साम्राज्य अपना पुरातन वैभव तथा शक्ति गँवा चुका था।

यह संगीत सुविधाएँ शंकर-एहसान-लॉय की तिकड़ी द्वारा, गीत प्रसून जोशी के द्वारा तटरक्षक एनीमेशन दृश्य कम्प्यूटिंग लेबोरेटरीज, टाटा एल्क्स्सी लिमिटेड, के द्वारा 2डी एनीमेशन वैभव कुमारेश का वैभव स्टूडियो से है, और शीर्षक एनीमेशन.धीमंत व्यास के द्वारा किया गया है।

उज्जयिनी में ही उन्होंने अत्यधिक प्रवास-काल व्यतीत किया और यहीं पर कालिदास ने उज्जयिनी के प्राचीन एवं गौरवशाली वैभव को देखा।

* छायावाद के प्रकृतिप्रेम की पहली विशेषता है कि वे प्रकृति के भीतर नारी का रूप देखते हैं, उसकी छवि में किसी प्रेयसी के सौंदर्य-वैभव का साक्षात्कार करते हैं।

"" एक ओर उनका दर्शन उन रहस्यमय सूक्ष्म तत्तवों का साथ नहीं छोड़ना चाहता जो युगों युगों का अर्जित अनुभूति वैभव है और दूसरी ओर उनकी पार्थिवता धरती के उस गुरुत्व से बाँधे हुए है, जो आज की पहली आवश्यकता है।

दोनों अवसरों पर अल्लाह के इन महानुभाव पैग़म्बरों का मुक़ाबला अत्यन्त साधनहीनता की दशा में बड़े उपकरण, सामग्री और संसाधन और बल - वैभव रखनेवालों से था।

कोरियोग्राफर: वैभवी मर्चेन्ट, सरोज खान।

अमीरी- सम्पन्नता, धनबाहुल्य, वैभव, समृद्धि, मालदारी, दौलतमंदी।

संभवत: अफ्रीका में अंगोला जैसे पुर्तगाली उपनिवेशों की तरह के दो एक अपवादों को छोड़कर इस समय कहीं भी उस भयावह दासव्यवस्था का संस्थात्मक अस्तिव नहीं है जो आज की पाश्चत्य सभ्यता की समृद्धि तथा वैभव का एक प्रधान आधार रही है।

पिता द्वारा ऋतुओं के अनुरूप बनाए गए वैभवशाली और समस्त भोगों से युक्त महल में वे यशोधरा के साथ रहने लगे जहाँ उनके पुत्र राहुल का जन्म हुआ।

वैभव इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Like Church's painted views of Niagara Falls, Canadian icebergs, and South American volcanoes this scene captures the majesty of nature.

Duke (the highest ranking a noble could receive in his majesty's court).

His popularity at court was increased by the published denunciations of his views, and he was appointed chaplain in ordinary to her majesty.

Resolved, That his majesty's liege people, the inhabitants of this colony, are not bound to yield obedience to any law or ordinance whatsoever designed to impose any taxation whatsoever upon them, other than the laws and ordinances of the general assembly aforesaid.

Resolved, That any person who shall by speaking or writing maintain that any person or persons other than the general assembly of this colony have any right or power to impose or lay any taxation whatsoever on the people here shall be deemed an enemy to this his majesty's colony.

Brian Hinton remarks, "There is a grace and majesty here which I have experienced from little else in rock music.

Eisenstein wrote about Ivan The Terrible’s tone, saying that he wished chiefly to convey a sense of majesty; the actors spoke in measured tones, frequently accompanied by Prokofiev’s superb, solemn music, Ivan the Terrible, op.

As soon as we were recovered a little from that awe and amazement at the presence of His majesty, we broke out with one voice, 'We praise Thee, O God, we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord.

A commentary on the treatises entered into between his Britannic majesty, and his most faithful majesty .

his catholic majesty .

The Minister for Internal Affairs, who received the king's response, on 11 August communicated to Barbaja that "His majesty deigned with his own sacred hand to declare that the histories of the Martyrs are venerated in the Church and are not presented on the stage".

The Boston Post wrote: "I begin to think that the Melodist bears a charmed life—and as was often said to be done in olden time, has made a bargain with the Being of Darkness for a certain term of years, during which he may defy the majesty of the law, and the wrath of his enemies.

On 31 July 1838, the changes were brought into law by "An act to amend an act of the fourth and fifth years of his late majesty empowering his majesty to erect South Australia into a British province or provinces" (short name ascribed by the National Library of Australia: South Australia Government Act 1838), 1 " 2 Vic, c.

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