वृक्षहीन Meaning in English
वृक्षहीन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : treeless
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वृक्षहीन क्षेत्रवृक्षरहित मैदान
वृक्षारोही मेंढक
वृक्षारोही कंगारू
वृक्ष संबंधी
देवताओं के पेड़
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वृक्षहीन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
एक दूसरी तरह से नीलगिरी, मुख्य रूप से नीली गोंद ई. ग्लोब्युलस, कैलिफोर्निया में राजमार्गों, संतरे के बागीचों और राज्य के अधिकांश वृक्षहीन मध्य भाग के अन्य फार्मों में वायुरोधी बनाने में मूल्यवान साबित हुए. कई शहरों और बागानों में छाया तथा सजावटी पेड़ के रूप में भी इनकी प्रशंसा की जाती है।
चूंकि इन दो प्रजातियों का विलुप्तीकरण उसी समय आया था जिस समय ऑस्ट्रेलिया में मानव आबादी बस रही थी, मानव द्वारा शिकार के साथ-साथ भूमि को वृक्षहीन करने को संभावित कारण बताया गया है।
"" नदी किनारों, दलदल और वृक्षहीन भूमि, जहां घने पौधे पाए जाते हैं, से दूर वनस्थल अपेक्षाकृत वनस्पतिहीन है, क्योंकि सूर्य की बहुत ही कम रोशनी यहां तक पहुंचती है।
वृक्षहीन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The treeless Dollar caters primarily to beginner and lower intermediate skiers; the primary mountain for advanced skiers is Bald Mountain, or "Baldy", next to the city of Ketchum.
The foreground is dominated by a dusty road and fence behind, running from bottom-left to the middle-right of the picture, with a range of tree-covered mountains behind the mainly treeless valley.
Although treeless, some stands of willow and alder grow in the more protected valleys between the ridges; the region is mostly covered with low shrubbery, mosses, and lichen, which comprise the tundra of the plain.
Several volcanic cones, including Red Mountain, Towndrow Peak, and Dale Mountain rise about 400 feet (122 m) above the mostly flat and treeless terrain.
The town is backed by the relatively treeless Upper Cretaceous chalk.
During the Oldest Dryas, Europe was treeless and similar to the Arctic tundra, but much drier and grassier than the modern tundra.
It passes over treeless high moor top for about 4 miles: Saddleworth Moor west of the county boundary and Wessenden Head Moor to the east.
The conservatory's origins date back to 1868, when Seth Wadhams purchased a treeless farm, planting trees and building a greenhouse for his wife, which is still in use today.
The magnificent treeless mountaintop where the festival takes place is located at the juncture of the territories of Beşikdüzü, Tonya, Maçka, Torul, Eynesil and Görele.
Arctic desert (treeless; no continuous vegetation cover) and tundra (treeless; small shrubs, sedges, mosses).
steppe (treeless, dominated by forbs in the north and grasses in the south).
nava "marshy valley, treeless plain" (cf.
The Islands were treeless with the exemption of the farthest eastern end.
Made up of a mix of prairie, savanna, and woodland, it forms part of the boundary between the more heavily forested eastern country and the almost treeless Great Plains, and also marks the western [limit of many Newminster Abbey was a Cistercian abbey in Northumberland in the north of England.