<< विरुद्ध गुणों वाला नाराजगी के साथ >>

विरोध के साथ Meaning in English

विरोध के साथ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : with opposition

विरोध-के-साथ हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" मौतों और बीमारियों से नाराज ग्रामीण हिंसक विरोध के साथ सड़कों पर उतर आए।

अखड़ा संगठन ने विरोध के साथ-साथ सृजानत्मकता को नया आवेग देने के लिए अनेक साहित्यिक-सांस्कृतिक कार्यशालाओं, सेमिनारों और वैचारिक गोष्ठियों के श्रृंखलाबद्ध आयोजन झारखण्ड, पश्चिम बंगाल, ओड़िसा में किये।

एएलपी की स्थापना अमेरिकी जनरल डेविड पेट्रायस के समर्थन के साथ की गई थी लेकिन अफगान राष्ट्रपति हामिद करजई के कड़े विरोध के साथ

मई 1963 में पालिमे शहर में चुनावों के बाद आने वाले सबसे बड़े विरोध के साथ सेना की हिंसा और प्रतिरोध बहुत सीमित था ।

विरोध-के-साथ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It also tried to move to channel 7 in 1977, which the station opted not to pursue further after meeting with opposition from WTVK.

The idea was met with opposition from most students and professors in the program.

Newspapers with oppositional editorial line against the government corresponds to 65% of daily newspapers in circulation while pro-government newspapers's share is 25%.

Thomas has been described as someone who at times "toyed with opposition to Hitler's war" but who fundamentally was a "ruthless pragmatist" whose only concern was "Germany's future as a great power.

Faced with opposition pressure for the repeal of Article 6 and needing allies against hard-liners in the CPSU, Gorbachev obtained the repeal of Article 6 by the February 1990 Central Committee plenum.

The bank made at first slow progress, with opposition from the African Company, which started a banking business in defiance of the bank's charter, and from the Bank of England.

5% of the vote, which was the highest percentage of votes won among constituencies with opposition MP's.

The Kean campaign also drew scrutiny over its relationship with opposition researcher Christopher Lyon.

Previously SITA had been proposing to site it on a brown field site in Pucklechurch but this was met with opposition from residents due to concerns it could pose a health risk and be an eyesore.

In the late 1920s the idea of "constraining" the river flow was adopted by the incumbent Minister for Agriculture, but was met with opposition by both his political rivals and locals.

In 1963 the then West Riding County Council proposed that Nidderdale should be added to the National Park, but the proposal met with opposition from the district councils which would have lost some of their powers to the county council.

In 1857 he gained control, but several years later, when Sargent attempted to purchase property needed for expansion, he was met with opposition.

She was met with opposition from the press.

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