वार्डशिप Meaning in English
वार्डशिप शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : wardship
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
माल गोदाममालखाने
गोदाम निरीक्षक
सामान का गोदाम
माल भण्डारण
वार्डशिप हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
राज के अधीन दो नाममात्र के वैतनिक कार्यालय- द स्टीवार्डशिप ऑफ़ द चिल्टर्न हंड्रेड्स और मैनोर ऑफ़ नोर्थस्टीड - वर्तमान हैं, जो सदस्यों को राज के अधीन वैतनिक कार्यालय में आवेदन की स्वीकृति देते हैं ताकि वह सदन से इस्तीफा दे सके।
"" राज के अधीन दो नाममात्र के वैतनिक कार्यालय- द स्टीवार्डशिप ऑफ़ द चिल्टर्न हंड्रेड्स और मैनोर ऑफ़ नोर्थस्टीड - वर्तमान हैं, जो सदस्यों को राज के अधीन वैतनिक कार्यालय में आवेदन की स्वीकृति देते हैं ताकि वह सदन से इस्तीफा दे सके।
वार्डशिप इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Early life and wardship.
His valuable wardship and marriage was granted by Queen Elizabeth I to Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of Bedford, KG (died 1585), who in 1577, married George off to his daughter Lady Margaret Russell (1560–1616).
Earl Russell had acquired his valuable wardship, as well as the right to marry George off to whomsoever he chose.
Under his stewardship, the company executed its mandate in seven years.
Under his stewardship the annual deficit of 80,000 NIS (about '22,000 US at the time) was reversed, and the kibbutz recovered economically.
She took Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds on 28 November 1938.
Through his stewardship, the Kulmiye Party has grown to be the largest party in Somaliland.
Under the stewardship of Rosensaft and Norbert Wollheim and Rafael Olewski, the Central Committee grew into an organization that lobbied the British on behalf of the DPs' political, social, and cultural aims, including the right to emigrate to British-controlled Palestine.
Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship.
She notes that as the editorial board of Manushi thinned out over the years for varied reasons and the journal came under near-absolute stewardship of Kishwar, it chose to embrace the contemporaneous rise of the right-wing-nationalism through the realms of Hindutva.
For example, agricultural structures such as barns are significant to New Hampshire’s “values of heritage, hard work, productivity and stewardship” and the state has devoted special programs to help preserve these values.
In 1956, he joined Lazard Freres, and, in 1961, became a partner Under the stewardship of the chairman of André Meyer, Felix Rohatyn, who handled acquisitions, and he himself, who was the bookkeeper, Lazard grew rapidly.
In 1597, Ambrose was taken into the stewardship of Sir Uryan Legh, a relative who would care for him whilst he served out his apprenticeship as a page.