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वायरलेस रूप से Meaning in English

वायरलेस रूप से शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : wirelessly

वायरलेस-रूप-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

They are used with off-camera flash units, mounted on stands and connected to the camera by cable or triggered wirelessly.

My Windows Phone is a free online companion service for Windows Phone mobile devices that provides users with a free mobile phone back-up solution by wirelessly synchronizing contacts, calendar appointments, photos, and OneNote notebooks with a password-protected online portal.

The school also jointly operates with Purdue University the ESports@Jeff program to provide videos, statistics and other content wirelessly during athletic events, and operates STRIVE, a community service organization that helps Make a Wish Foundation, Habitat for Humanity and other charitable groups.

The Canon EOS 7D is the first Canon body to be able to control Speedlites wirelessly without the use of a Master Speedlite or IR transmitter; four other EOS models, the 60D, 600D, 650D, 70D, and 700D, also have wireless flash capabilities.

The SB-600 cannot control other flashes through a wireless connection; however, a flash commander can control it wirelessly.

The "project" that is created is then downloaded into the remote through a USB cable or, in the most recent models, wirelessly by Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

In 1900, Reginald Fessenden was able to wirelessly transmit a human voice.

Now, EHS has replaced those televisions with LAN projectors that any teacher can connect to wirelessly while connected to the school's network.

Teachers use MacBook Pros to wirelessly transmit attendance and grades to Infinite Campus, an online student/teacher communication platform.

Audio is accessible wirelessly through any FM radio receiver tuned to TRN's on-board FM network.

There are no DVDs and cartridges; games and other content are downloaded wirelessly over broadband cellular networks.

Players are able to buy and download games and other content wirelessly through 3G or EDGE.

Applications are downloaded wirelessly over-the-air and commonly range in size from 5–25MB.

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