वायज़र Meaning in English
वायज़र शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : visor
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
विज़ीरछज्जारहित ऊपरी डेक
विस्टेरिया फ़्लोरिबण्डा
दृश्य श्रव्य
वायज़र हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""भारत सरकार द्वारा जारी सोशल डिसटेंसिंग एडवायज़री के अनुसार जहां-जहां अधिक लोगों के एक दूसरे के संपर्क में आने की संभावना है उस पर सरकार ने प्रतिबंध लगा दिए हैं।
वायज़र इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
William Spiers, a convicted arsonist, former patient, and sporadic employee, was arrested after admitting to setting both fires because he was angry with his supervisor.
Tenali Ramakrishna (also known as Pandit Ramakrishna and Tenali Rama) was a poet, scholar, thinker and a Special Advisor in the court of Krishnadevaraya.
So, to overcome the depression that Rama faced, his mother Lakshamma took him to Vijayanagara where he was an advisor and was also a great scholar of several languages that included Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi and Tamil.
He was an advisor in court of Krishnadevaraya.
RAG AG, Member of the Supervisory Board.
Evonik Industries, Member of the Supervisory Board (2005-2007).
Konrad Adenauer Prize, Member of the Advisory Board.
Ruhrfestspiele, Member of the Supervisory Board.
Hypervisor TPMs are virtual TPMs provided by and rely on [in an isolated execution environment that is hidden from the software running inside Alan Mills may refer to:.
First published in 1997 when Cham was a grad student himself at Stanford University, the strip deals with issues of life in graduate school, including the difficulties of scientific research, the perils of procrastination, and the complex student–supervisor relationship.
He has been increasingly seen with a set group of friends (one is named Mikkel) and seems, at least marginally, to be the most favored graduate student of his advisor, Prof.
Professor Jones – Cecilia's research advisor; a typical graduate school professor, although seemingly older and kinder than Prof.
Professor Rivera – Tajel's advisor.
He apparently takes a laid-back approach to being an advisor, being entirely clueless as to Tajel's research interests, progress, and sometimes even her name.
Professor Galvez "ndash; The head of the anthropology department, who becomes Tajel's new advisor after discussion with the rest of the faculty.
A brilliant academic who disproved all the theories of his advisor Professor Emeritus Zekowsky, Professor Smith is the Arthur C.