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वशही Meaning in English

वशही शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : subservient

वशही इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The members of the Front, contrastingly, isolated themselves as extremists and subservient to the Arab states that backed them and even to the USSR.

In 1194, the abbey became subservient to Corcomroe Abbey and was dedicated to St Augustine.

Lee testified that he attempted to round out the character by revising dialogue, primarily eliminating repeated "yessir"s and "nossir"s that sounded subservient, and cutting some actions.

Devarakonda was subservient to Rachakonda.

Culturally, Confucianism has had an important impact in establishing women as "subservient", and men as dominant patriarchal figures.

Similar to John le Carré, Forsyth's novels often depict a schism within the British espionage community (and within the British government as a whole), between those officers who favour a conciliatory, subservient relationship with the better resourced American C.

and the "subservient" camp of the British S.

At the time, blacks were expected to be subservient, agreeable and deferential to whites or be subject to verbal abuse, threats or physical violence.

As he stated to Los Angeles Times: "When I was growing up, I wanted to work in theater—it never occurred to me I could be a filmmaker because I was raised on Hollywood movies that pacified me to be subservient.

" He felt limited by theater and was resigned, notes Francoise Pfaff, to "subservient roles in Western plays.

The science of the operations of the understanding which are subservient to the estimation of evidence (John Stuart Mill).

This gain was short-lived however, as Abd ar-Rahman III sent envoys and a fleet to Barcelona in 940, forcing Sunyer into a subservient alliance and to abandon a marriage pact he had reached with king García Sánchez I of Pamplona, who was to marry (or had already married) Sunyer's daughter.

After the passage of many kings, who were largely subservient to other rulers, the Gond king, Khandkya Ballal (1470 1495) came to the throne.

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