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लोमड़ी का Meaning in English

लोमड़ी का शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : the ointted
, fox

लोमड़ी-का इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Two subspecies of the Ryukyu flying fox (P.

Today, the area is filled with squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, white-footed mice, horned owls, red-tailed hawks, red foxes, opossums, skunks, raccoons, woodchucks, pheasants, songbirds, crayfish, butterflies, and white-tailed deer.

Previously widespread throughout the ranges of central Australia, the warru, or black-footed rock-wallaby, is South Australia's most endangered mammal, primarily due to predation by foxes and feral cats.

The census breakup of other mammals is monkeys - 1,522, jackals - 305, common langur - 39, otter - 38, sambar deer - 17, jungle cat - 11, fox - 10, Mongoose - 7, wolf- 7, fishing cats - 12, according to the survey data.

Flying foxes are threatened by sea level rise associated with climate change, as several taxa are endemic to low-lying atolls.

On the Islands themselves there was almost a total dependence upon the marine environment considering that the animal population consisted only of birds, lemmings, and fox.

Other mammalian species that roam in and around this park are moose, fisher, porcupine, bobcat, river otter, raccoon, deer, beaver, red fox, marten, Canadian lynx, mink, and timber wolf.

One is used by the new members (so called Fux or Fuchs, after the German "fox"), the other one is used by the elder members (so called Bursche or, if with degree, Alter Herr).

Sonic 2 also introduced Sonic's sidekick Tails, a flying two-tailed fox, inspired by Japanese folklore about the kitsune and created by level artist Yasushi Yamaguchi.

Flying foxes are adapted to seeing in low-light conditions.

Mary's Church is known for its ornately carved single [roof] which depict many different scenes, including court jesters, foxes, and many angels.

Fauna typical of central Europe this mammals such as foxes, Basarabeasca is a district (raion) in the south of Moldova, with the administrative center at Basarabeasca.

His decades-long effort to breed domesticated silver foxes was described by The New York Times as “arguably the most extraordinary breeding experiment ever conducted.

लोमड़ी-का हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

अंगारा की त्वचा पर गैंडे की खाल लगाकर बुलैटप्रुफ जैसी मजबूती दी गई है, तथा उसपर लोमड़ी का मस्तिष्क प्रत्यारोपित कर असाधारण तौर पर बुद्धिमान बनाया गया है, आँखें गिद्ध की लगाई गई है, वहीं उसे हाथी की सी ताकत दी गई है, तो दिल शेर का, और बाकी का शरीर मूलरूप से गोरिल्ला का होता है जिसे मानवीय काया में तब्दील किया गया।

"" शेष छः में से पांच में यूरोपीय चालबाज लोमड़ी का पात्र है।

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