लोबोटॉमी Meaning in English
लोबोटॉमी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lobotomy
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
झींगा मछली
लॉबस्टर स्टू
स्थानीय अमरीकी
स्थानिक पशुमारी
लोकल एरिया नेटवर्क
लोबोटॉमी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
मेरा लोबोटॉमी रेडियो कहानी: 1946 में सैली एलेन आइनेस्को लोबोटोमाइस्ड के साथ साक्षात्कार.।
'माई लोबोटॉमी': हावर्ड डली की यात्रा. एनपीआर (NPR) रेडियो वृत्तचित्र।
लोकप्रिय प्रेस में लोबोटॉमी का चित्रण: 1935-1960।
मनोशल्य चिकित्सा.org: लोबोटॉमी की त्रासदी को याद।
लोबोटॉमीज़ बैक: सिंजोलोटॉमी पर डिस्कवर लेख।
""सि मस्तिषकखंडछेदन (लोबोटॉमी) (λοβός – lobos: 'लोब (मस्तिष्क का)'; τομή - टोम: $काटना/फांक$) एक तंत्रिकाशल्यक्रिया संबंधी प्रक्रिया है, मनःशल्यचिकित्सा का एक रूप, जिसे ल्यूकोटॉमी या ल्यूकोटामी (यूनानी λευκός से - ल्यूकोस: $स्पष्ट/सफेद$ तथा टोम). इसमे मस्तिष्क के ललाट खंड के अग्रभाग, मस्तिष्काग्र प्रान्तस्था का और से संबंध काटना शामिल है।
मानसिक क्रूरता: लोबोटॉमी और समकालीन साइकोसर्जरी पर संडे टाइम्स लेख।
डली, हावर्ड. (2005). 'माई लोबोटॉमी': हावर्ड डली की यात्रा. ऑल थिंग्स कंसिडर्ड. एनपीआर (NPR) 28-11-2009 को पुनःप्राप्त.।
लोबोटॉमी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The fact that the state doesn't like Michael Diana's attitude and will send him to experts and conduct searches is like legalized lobotomy.
The former hospital is perhaps best known as a site of the infamous lobotomy procedure, as well as various supposed paranormal sightings.
The public became increasingly aware of procedures like electroshock therapy and the lobotomy, which would come to be seen as cruel, unnecessary and inhumane.
Records from the asylum document some of the now-discredited theories of the causes of mental illness, as well as the practice of harmful treatments, such as lobotomy.
Most disturbing is the documentation of hydrotherapy, electroshock, lobotomy, and early psychotropic drugs, many of which have been discredited today as extremely inhumane ways of treating a patient.
Walter Freeman in 1948 to replace the unique form of leucotome used up until that point for the transorbital lobotomy procedure.
Because actual ice picks were used in initial experimentation and because of continued close resemblance to ice pick shafts, the procedure was dubbed "ice pick lobotomy".
Watts (1904–1994), American neurosurgeon and early pioneer of lobotomy; colleague of Walter Freeman.
Seeing no way out, Sunil and Tanvi arrive at the asylum to smuggle Anand out so that he and Tanvi can run away together, but it is too late when Sunil finds out about Anand's lobotomy.
Part Two describes the rise of eugenics, which did away with moral treatment in favor of forced sterilization of the mentally ill, and led to newly invigorated fields of psychiatry and neuroscience whose experts practiced insulin coma, metrazol convulsion, forced electroshock, and lobotomy.
The drug "produced an effect similar to frontal lobotomy", according to early reports by the company's lead investigator.
In She, Angel joins forces with Jhiera, a demon princess on a desperate mission to rescue enslaved women escaping from a home dimension where the men exert absolute control over the women by mutilating them with a spinal lobotomy when each comes of age.
As drug therapy remained ineffective, a lobotomy was suggested, but his treating resident suggested electroshock therapy instead, which led to his recovery.