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लॉयलर Meaning in English

लॉयलर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : loyal

लॉयलर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The Indian Government knew to preserve Khan's loyalty some powers had to be given to him.

" He was equally strong in his condemnation of loyalist paramilitaries who killed members of his diocese whose funerals he often attended.

Once a powerful military state centred on what is today termed Cambodia, the Khmer dominated the region through the use of irregular military led by captains owing personal loyalty to the Khmer warrior kings, and leading conscripted peasants levied during the dry seasons.

] They have the same kind of menu, décor, appeal,” This translated into a lack of customer loyalties.

House loyalty is very strong, and lives on through competitions for Old Boys and Old Girls at annual Homecoming celebrations.

The name for the market came from the "Legal Stamps", also known as trading stamps, given to loyal customers.

The presence of the man's loyal pack of lions convinces Psycho that he might be eaten if he forces Catman to harm himself.

He makes his second appearance a few episodes later in "Castle of Heroes" in which Skeletor describes him as his "right-hand man" and he is portrayed as such throughout the episode, as a loyal sidekick to Skeletor, whom Skeletor seems to respect more than most of his other warriors.

In April 2019, the airport was captured by forces loyal to the Libyan National Army (LNA) and its leader Khalifa Haftar and was held for over a year, despite the control of the airport swaying back to GNA briefly on May 2019.

As usual he excelled in this position and was described as reliable, loyal, conscientious, versatile and effective as a manager, while keeping a tight relationship with his colleagues.

She asked for updated resumes and resignation letters from "city department heads who had been loyal to Stein", although the mayor's office was considered a non-partisan position.

In April 2016, United Online sold MyPoints to El Segundo, California-based loyalty program marketer Prodege.

The Dejanović brothers ruled a spacious province in eastern Macedonia, in the southern lands of the Empire, and remained loyal to Uroš V, until 1373, when Orhan Gazi's Ottoman army compelled Jovan to recognize Ottoman vassalage.

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