लॉजिंग Meaning in English
लॉजिंग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lodging
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लूफ़्ट वाफे़
लॉग इन
लाग बुक
लॉजिंग हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
प्रत्येक नवोदय विद्यालय एक सह-शैक्षणिक आवासीय संस्थान है जो छात्रों को मुफ्त बोर्डिंग और लॉजिंग, मुफ्त स्कूल यूनिफॉर्म, पाठ्य पुस्तकें, स्टेशनरी, और फ्रो रेल और बस किराया प्रदान करता है।
1963 से 1980 तक, गल्फ ऑयल ने विश्व की सबसे बड़ी लॉजिंग शृंखला होलिडे इन के साथ औपचारिक समझौता किया था जिसके अनुसार अमेरिका और कनाडा में स्थित होलिडे इन में खाने और ठहरने के लिए गल्फ क्रेडिट कार्ड स्वीकार किये गए।
"" प्रत्येक नवोदय विद्यालय एक सह-शैक्षणिक आवासीय संस्थान है जो छात्रों को मुफ्त बोर्डिंग और लॉजिंग, मुफ्त स्कूल यूनिफॉर्म, पाठ्य पुस्तकें, स्टेशनरी, और फ्रो रेल और बस किराया प्रदान करता है।
भारतीय लोककला जजिस लॉजिंगस् (Judges' Lodgings) (Tŷ'r Barnwr) व्हाइटक्रॉस स्ट्रीट, मॉनमाउथ, मॉनमाउथशायर, वेल्स, में स्थित अठारहवीं सदी की इमारत है।
लॉजिंग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Vermeš invested into the construction of various sports objects and lodging venues, including the elliptic track, long, with the bleachers, so it was called the Enclosed Arena.
For some period of time starting in 1744 the model school, which had only 10-16 students, took place at the Widow Lyders's house on Gammelstrand where Miani was lodging.
The children were not paid but were given board " lodging in No.
Employers like Dale were seen as charitable and benevolent because they offered the chance of employment, board and lodging and the acquisition of transferable skills.
At the end of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus goes overnight to the Mount of Olives (John 8:1), "lodging probably in the house of Lazarus", according to the Expositor's Greek Testament, whilst everyone else "goes home" (John 7:53).
He had numerous old lodging temples rebuilt and parts of the compound re-landscaped.
In conjunction with some of the anniversary celebrations mentioned above, he had a bare-concrete building removed and a plaza and garden built in its place, as well as several quickly-built concrete lodgings replaced with two modern structures.
He was repeatedly honored as the gaming and lodging industry's top CFO by Institutional Investor magazine.
The American artillery battery then fired a few shrapnel rounds into the enemy positions, as the gunboat Laguna de Bay pelted the position with Gatling fire, which succeeded in dislodging the Filipinos.
The aim was to tip up the cat and then strike it towards the stumps with the object of dislodging the bails.
At the time of dissolution the priory had four priors; a net income of £12"nbsp;2s"nbsp;8d per year; its buildings included a church with a bell tower, chapter house, kitchen and lodgings.