लुक छुपकर आना जाना Meaning in English
लुक छुपकर आना जाना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hide and seek
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
बिल्ली के अनुसार छिपकर जानापूरी तरह से छिपा देना
भविष्य के लिए छिपा कर रख देना
कहने से छिपाना
मुसीबतों से आँख मूंद लेना
दिल में छिपाए रखना
अंकितक छिपना
गलती छिपाना
की तरफ़ लपकना
सफ़ेद र्ंग से छिपा देना
लुक-छुपकर-आना-जाना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The storyline is built on the idea that Tokyo is losing its natural aesthetic, which includes child's games such as hide and seek in order for industrial progress to ensue i.
Clemens, on his jungle-shielded mountain, played a dangerous game of hide and seek with the Japanese.
Get Lost Loula (18 April 2008) – After Loula finds everyone in hide and seek and he gets credit instead of Pocoyo Pocoyo force's her to leave.
Thuyết took Hàm Nghi to a mountain base at Tan So, and then went to China to hide and seek reinforcements.
This trio of Mini-Cons hail from Gigantion, but were stranded in space and time when a game of hide and seek went away.
"If people who work with me say that I play hide and seek, why do they repeat me? Why am I in Mahesh's nine films out of his ten.
During a game of hide and seek, Lucy again enters the wardrobe and Edmund follows her, and manages to find his way into Narnia, but cannot find Lucy.