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लुक अप Meaning in English

लुक अप शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lookup

लुक-अप हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" 2005 के प्रारंभ में केवल हवा से हवा में 'लुक अप' और 'लुक डाउन' मोड (विधि)- दो अत्यंत बुनियादी मोड- के लिए सफलतापूर्वक परीक्षण की पुष्टि की गई।

2005 के प्रारंभ में केवल हवा से हवा में 'लुक अप' और 'लुक डाउन' मोड (विधि)- दो अत्यंत बुनियादी मोड- के लिए सफलतापूर्वक परीक्षण की पुष्टि की गई।

लुक-अप इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Chinese Text Project Concordance Tool - Concordance lookup and discussion of the continued importance of printed concordances in Sinology - Chinese Text Project.

Charles Bradley (disambiguation) SuperScan is a free connect-based port scanning software designed to detect open TCP and UDP ports on a target computer, determine which services are running on those ports, and run queries such as whois, ping, ICMP traceroute, and Hostname lookups.

Various data structures can be utilized to speed up storage lookups, such as BK-trees.

Using only the 26 letters in the English alphabet, this would produce only 54*n+25 dictionary lookups, minus any duplicates (which depends on the specific letters in the word).

However, tens or hundreds of thousands of lookups might be required for edit distance 2 and greater.

Since each lookup costs one disk seek time, an index usually consists of multiple hard drives with low access time.

This distinction exists because code and data are cached in small blocks (cache lines), not entire pages, but address lookup is done at the page level.

Inserting a value into a ternary search can be defined recursively much as lookups are defined.

Whether a new node is created or not, the method checks to see if the first character in the string is greater than or less than the character value in the node and makes a recursive call on the appropriate node as in the lookup operation.

A lookup procedure begins by checking the root node of the tree and determining which of the following conditions has occurred.

If the first character of the string is less than the character in the root node, a recursive lookup can be called on the tree whose root is the lo kid of the current root.

Additionally, hash maps do not allow for many of the uses of ternary search trees, such as near-neighbor lookups.

21st-century British male musicians In the film industry, 3D lookup tables (3D LUTs) are used to map one color space to another.

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