लीएंडर Meaning in English
लीएंडर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : leander
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झुक गयाझुका हुआ
दुबले ढंग से
लीप डे
अँधेरे में छलांग
छलांग लगाने का नेतृत्व
लीप वर्ष
छलांग लगाने वाला
लीएंडर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The more commonly used plants are Ficus racemosa, Nerium oleander, Nerium odorum, and Cryptolepis buchananii.
A study in north-eastern India showed a preference to foraging on Crotalaria juncea compared to Bauhinia purpurea, Barleria cristata rosea and Nerium oleander.
Two songs on the album, "Oleander" and "Goin' Out", feature Harmer's father Clem on backing vocals.
Harmer herself was nominated for Songwriter of the Year for her work on "I Am Aglow", "Oleander" and "Escarpment Blues".
Traditional Roman landscaping designs are replicated with manicured bay laurel, boxwood, oleander, and viburnum shrubs.
The post-grunge band Oleander covered the song on their 1999 album February Son.
Wilmington: Front Street, Mayfaire, Oleander Drive.
Elleander Morning, Jerry Yulsman (Orbit/Futura).