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लिटू Meaning in English

लिटू शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : litu

लिटू हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

सोलिटूड के बारे में सम्पूर्ण जानकारी ।

""अल्बर्ट की सबसे उत्कृष्ट रचना सोलिटूड (कैटलन: Solitud, हिन्दी: एकांत) उपन्यास है।

लिटू इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Vetulicola was the host of the symbiotic organism Vermilituus gregarius, which appears to have lived inside Vetulicolas anterior body.

Only around 2% of Vetulicola individuals had Vermilituus infestations, but Vermilituus could be very numerous: one Vetulicola specimen had 88 individuals of Vermilituus infesting it.

The small community is known for the quality of its liturgy, which is sung in Latin and Gregorian chant, its pipe organ, and its liturgical publishing and printing.

The medievalist and liturgist Dom André Wilmart (1876"ndash;1941) was a monk of the abbey.

sync pulse – blank while rapidly moving left; in terms of amplitude, "blacker than black".

These are low-amplitude spatially-periodic deviations that emerge from the uniform state (or the wave state) via a Hopf bifurcation.

Conceptually, it is the number of half-period zones in the wavefront amplitude, counted from the center to the edge of the aperture, as seen from the observation point (the center of the imaging screen), where a half-period zone is defined so that the wavefront phase changes by \pi when moving from one half-period zone to the next.

Polarity, the direction of a wave's amplitude or its being in phase or antiphase.

Atocion lituanicum (Zapał.

Silene lituanica Zapał.

Silene lituanica that has been described as species in 1911 was still considered species by Lithuanian botanists in 2009 and as such is included into the list of extinct and endangered species of Lithuania since 1962.

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