लावेरॉक Meaning in English
लावेरॉक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : laverock
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विधि विधान
कानून का पालन
विधि स्वीकृत
विधि अभिनय
कानून एजेंट
विधि अभिकर्ता
कानून व्यवस्था
कानून और सुव्यवस्था
विधि व्यवस्था
लावेरॉक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Roll of Caerlaverock or Poem of Caerlaverock is a roll dating from 1300, containing 110 poetical blazons without images.
The original was made in 1300 by English heralds during Edward I's siege of Caerlaverock Castle, Scotland.
The Catholic Maxwell family, based at Caerlaverock Castle, were often suspected of treachery as Scotland turned to Protestantism, and Lord Maxwell was required to surrender Threave temporarily as the Spanish Armada approached the English coast.
You'll visit the picturesque ruins of Caerlaverock and the forbidding strongholds of Hermitage and Dunstaffnage.