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लघुमान Meaning in English

लघुमान शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : small scale

लघुमान हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" आज की क्षणवादी और लघुमानववादी दृष्टि जीवन-मूल्यों के प्रति स्वीकारात्मक दृष्टि है।

मंजुल के लघुमानस में अयनचलन के संबंध में स्पष्ट उल्लेख है, जिसके अनुसार एक कल्प में अयनभगण 1,99,669 होता है, जो वर्ष में 59.9 विकला होता है।

मुनीश्वर ने मरीचि में अयनगति विषयक इनके कुछ श्लोक उद्धृत किए हैं, जो लघुमानस के नहीं हैं।

आज की क्षणवादी और लघुमानववादी दृष्टि जीवन-मूल्यों के प्रति स्वीकारात्मक दृष्टि है।

इनका उपलब्ध ग्रंथ लघुमानसकरण है।

लघुमान इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

PIR is at times stated to be fire retardant, or contain fire retardants, but these describe the results of "small scale tests" and "do not reflect [all] hazards under real fire conditions"; the extent of hazards from fire include not just resistance to fire but the scope for toxic byproducts from different fire scenarios.

During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Avonbridge was home to small scale open cast coal mining.

Meanwhile, many artists who would later become famous debuted on a small scale in the Walloon newspapers: Peyo, Greg, Albert Uderzo, René Goscinny, .

For small scale civil war or family feud.

A smaller scale demonstration was scheduled for 2008, when a small scale version of the WALRUS designed to carry only the capacity of a C-130 Hercules (i.

Crops like paddy, rice and Raagi (millet) were being cultivated at small scale in the area with irrigation from numerous lakes in the area.

Dō-maru were constructed from small scales of leather or metal laced into plates with cord and lacquered.

There are few small scale industries.

It was only on a small scale and employed 12 people.

ADOX are also (2017-19) doubling the size of the film factory in Bad Sarrow, Germany to add a small coating line using a former AGFA machine as well as space for small scale chemical production and film materials storage.

In particular, while at small scales (shorter than the Compton wavelength of the graviton mass), Newton's gravitational law is recovered, the bending of light is only three quarters of the result Albert Einstein obtained in general relativity.

It was argued by Vainshtein two years later that the vDVZ discontinuity is an artifact of the linear theory, and that the predictions of general relativity are in fact recovered at small scales when one takes into account nonlinear effects, i.

Still in operation are the Country Fire Service station, the Carey Gully Quarry and a small scale factory building on Deviation Road, housing a boat-building business and a traditional carpenter among others.

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