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लघु व्यापार Meaning in English

लघु व्यापार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : small business

लघु-व्यापार हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

योजना के अंतर्गत लघु व्यापारियों को 10000 रूपये का ऋण दिया जायेगा।

""• उपभोक्ता उन्मुख सूचना सेवाएँ, उदाहरण के लिए स्थानीय वर्गीकृत विज्ञापन यथा किराया/संपत्ति समाचार, वर्तमान घटनायें, पारिवारिक कानून, लघु व्यापार कानून, आदि।

सीआईबी के ग्राहकों में मुख्यतः निजी व सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के संस्थान हैं, जिसमे स्वायत्त राज्य, परा-राष्ट्रीय संस्थाएं, वैश्विक व बहुराष्ट्रीय कम्पनियां और माध्यम व लघु व्यापार गृह होते हैं।

लघु-व्यापार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Collins was convinced that the best way to win over new customers, including frugal small business owners and skeptical farmers and rural dwellers, was to give his mostly invisible new commodity a more human face.

This, however, has been closed and the site is now home to various small businesses.

He arrived in Glasgow in around 1763 as a clerk to a silk merchant and began his own small business in the High Street, importing linen yarns from France and the Netherlands.

Creating jobs by improving the business climate and reducing red tape for local entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Included in the document, the county also planned on adding small expansions to the runway to allow turboprops and small business jets to land.

Although turboprops and small business jets still land in the current runway, this minor expansion will allow a larger flow of these type of aircraft to land.

The café was initially refurbished and opened by the Malpas based small business Parc Pantry, who handed back the premises to Newport City Council in 2018.

On completing this series, West concentrated on co-authoring books aimed at entrepreneurs and small businesses, the first of which was The Beermat Entrepreneur, co-authored with entrepreneur and speaker Mike Southon (Southon and West were both members of The Oxcentrics, an Oxford-based Dixieland jazz band, in which West played the drums.

Roslindale is known for its small business district and includes the smaller side of the Arnold Arboretum.

Attendees included over 100 regional policy makers, farmers, preservation experts, hunger advocates, and small business owners.

Conway proposes a hometown tax credit to reward companies and small businesses that create jobs in Kentucky.

Conway's jobs plan also calls for the creation of a Small Business Loan Fund that will put '30 billion of new capital toward lending for small businesses through community banks and credit unions.

लघु व्यापार Meaning in Other Sites