रफ़्तार का प्रतिबंध Meaning in English
रफ़्तार का प्रतिबंध शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : speed restriction
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गति अध्ययनकाम में तेज़ी आना
की गति बढ़ाना
गति बढाना
गतिवृद्धि करना
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चाल बढ़ाना
रफ़्तार तेज़ करना
परिक्रमण की गति बढ़ाना
गति निर्धारक धावक
रफ़्तार-का-प्रतिबंध इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Trains operating at speeds faster than 125"nbsp;mph (for example on High Speed 1) use an in-cab signalling system that automatically determines and calculates speed restrictions.
The train may proceed subject to any speed restrictions applying to the section of line or to the train itself.
Drivers of trains must know which signal arm applies to which route, and the speed limit on that route; accidents have resulted from drivers either mis-reading splitting signals or forgetting speed restrictions, and consequently approaching junctions too fast.
Temporary speed restriction.
When it is necessary to carry out planned maintenance or repair work on a line, a temporary speed restriction (TSR) may be installed at a particular location.
At the service braking distance before the speed restriction, a temporary AWS magnet is installed between the running rails, followed by a yellow speed warning board.
At the commencement of the speed restriction there is a yellow speed board, and at the end is a Michael Groden (1947-2021) was Professor of English at The University of Western Ontario.
The subsequent enquiry found that many of the speed restriction boards for the curves in the area were missing or misleading; a full audit of speed restrictions across the entire rail network was one of the enquiry outcomes.
The platform signage and platform objects were removed in June 2006 and by December 2008 the platform had been demolished to permit the straightening of the track and remove a 60"nbsp;mph speed restriction to allow trains to run at 85"nbsp;mph southbound and 90"nbsp;mph northbound.
by signage, speed restrictions, improving sightlines, straightening bends, or speed cameras) was a mainstay of road safety policy, but current thinking has it that the benefits of these interventions are often overstated.
Level junctions, particularly those of fine angles or near right angles, create derailment risks and impose speed restrictions.
The exhibition of an upper yellow light does not impose a specific speed restriction for approaching trains; it is still the responsibility of the driver to be familiar with the route and observe lineside speed boards relating to points and crossings.
The standard speed restriction imposed by train stops with the Low Speed indication was originally 17"nbsp;mph.
In the Underground City and Eastern Suburbs railway lines, a speed restriction of 30 mph also applies to the Caution indication.