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रोपे गए Meaning in English

रोपे गए शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : planted

रोपे-गए हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

ठंढ से मुक्त या हल्के ठंढ वाले क्षेत्रों में माली यह पाते हैं कि ज़मीन में रोपे गए बे लॉरेल पौधे स्वेच्छा से विशाल वृक्ष, और उनसे भी लम्बे हो जाते हैं; लेकिन छंटाई करते रहने पर बे लॉरेल पेड़ एक छोटी झाड़ी की तरह बढ़ता है।

""इस परंपरा को शुरू कर कल्याण सिंह रावत ने वृक्षारोपण और वृक्ष संरक्षण की मुहिम को नया जीवन प्रदान किया | पहले जहाँ रोपे गए पौधे कुछ ही महीनों में सूख जाते थे, मैती प्रथा के अंतर्गत उनका सरंक्षण महत्वपूर्ण बना और आज इसके फलस्वरूप कई छोटे-बड़े मैती वनों का निर्माण हुआ है जिनमें केवल उत्तराखंड में ही करीब ५ लाख पेड़ों का रोपण और संरक्षण किया गया है |।

रोपे-गए इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It is usually grown from seed as a [(plants)|half-hardy] annual, that is sown under glass in early Spring and planted out in summer.

The Bouverie family changed the garden to one featuring fruit and vegetables, with orchards planted elsewhere.

Driscoll later reflected that he was "not ready" when he planted Mars Hill at age 25.

This approach, sometimes called the "natural planted tank" and popularized by Diana Walstad, can include the use of soil in place of aquarium gravel, the elimination of CO2 apparatus and most filtration, and limited lighting.

Rotala Butterfly – Calculator tools for planted tanks.

The trees planted will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and provide, as well as environmental benefits, such as water and air quality preservation, and biodiversity protection.

The Church leaders had planted a fragile tree (which one might call a Christmas tree) in the desert of terrorism and we must consider how this tree could be watered.

After the war, the ShVAK was supplanted by the Berezin B-20, which offered similar performance but weighed significantly less.

The walled garden, restored and beautifully planted by the city council, once contained fruit trees, serving the household both as a source of food and as a place to stroll.

The Auxey valley was one of the first places where grapevines were planted in Burgundy during the 2nd century BC.

According to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the bile is usually extracted twice a day through such implanted tubes, producing 10–20 ml of bile during each extraction.

The free-dripping method still requires the bears to be prodded with a metal rod when the wound heals over and under veterinary examination, some bears with free-dripping fistulae were actually found to have clear perspex catheters permanently implanted into their gallbladders.

Through preaching in private meetings, new churches were planted.

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